I decided to start a webzine about Infinity few months ago, for now only in french. For those who don't know what is a webzine it's like a White Dwarf (the old one...), online and about Infinity !

In the first issue, you will see :
- A battle report of Operation Icestorm ;
- A tutorial about conversion in Infinity (what do you need, tips, ...) ;
- An introduction of an infinity artist with some exclusive productions of him .
It won't be a big issue because I prefer to do small and good than a lot of pages with nothing inside. It will be published between 10th and 15th of august.
But I need the approval of CB because there are some pics that belong to them (like Infinity Logo) even if this project was first created by Bureau Aegis (french association which promote the game). Some of you could contact them ?
See you