Yu Jing in N3
Yu Jing looks like it finally gets the facelift it needed since Human Sphere! Great elite Heavy Infantry are introduced to strengthen the Imperial Force.
Daofei Tactical Section
MOV4-4, CC16, BS13, PH14, WIP13, ARM4, BTS3, W2, S2, AVA1
Special skills: CH:Camouflage, Infiltration
53/0 Multi Rifle, Pistol, Shock CCW
57/2 HMG, Pistol, Shock CCW
48/0 Boarding Shotgun, Pistol, Shock CCW
55/2 Spitfire, Pistol, Shock CCW
59/.5 (Assault Hacking Device) Multi rifle, pistol, Shock CCW
53/0 LT Multi rifle, Pistol, Shock CCW
55/1.5 LT Spitfire, Pistol, Shock CCW
At first glance pretty much the same unit: A camouflaged infiltrating HI. However, it’s cheaper (8 points cheaper for Multi Rifle, and 4 points for the HMG!)
No bump on CC, but it does become more mobile due to Movement boost. Another thing to notice is the addition of the Spitfire to the profile!
MOV4-4, CC14, BS11, PH10, WIP13, ARM1, BTS0, W1, S2, AVA TOTAL
11/0 Combi Rifle, Pistol, Knife
19/1 HMG, Pistol, Knife
15/1 Combi Rifle + LGL, Pistol, Knife
19/1.5 MSR, Pistol, Knife
16/1.5 Missile Launcher, Pistol, Knife
19/.5 Hacker(Hacking Device) Combi Rifle, Pistol, Knife
12/0 (Forward Observer) Combi Rifle, Pistol, Knife
13/0 Paramedic (Medikit) Combi Rifle, Pistol, Knife
11/0 (LT) Combi Rifle, Pistol, Knife.
Same base price, same stats. The Zhanshi becomes cheaper with the Special Weapons. Also, note the lack of SWC cost for Lieutenants. They also gain the Forward Observer ability, which is nice! Hacker drops 4 points.
Guilang Skirmishers
MOV 4-4, CC14, BS11, PH12, WIP14, ARM1, BTS0, W1, S2, AVA2
Equipment: MSV1
Special Skills: CH: Camouflage, Infiltration, Multiterrain
25/0 Combi rifle, Antipersonnel Mines, Pistol, Knife
24/0 Boarding Shotgun, Antipersonnel Mines, pistol, knife
33/1.5 MSR, Antipersonnel Mines, Pistol, Knife
31/.5 (Assault hacking Device) Combi Rifle, antipersonnel mines, Pistol, Knife
27/0 (Forward observer, Deployable Repeater) Combi Rifle, Antipersonnel Mines, Pistol, Knife
25/2 LT Combi Rifle, Antipersonnel Mines, Pistol, Knife
The Guilangs keep the same statline. They gain the Multiterrain ability, so we can assume the terrain rules are still available in N3. They don’t get cheaper in their base-stats, lose the Minelayer skill, which will nerf them a bit. From what I understand it was a well-used profile around the globe.
Wu Ming Assault Corps
MOV4-4, CC16, BS13, PH13, WIP13, ARM4, BTS3, W2, S2, AVA3
Special Skills: Kinematika L1
39/0 Multi Rifle + LGL, Pistol, Knife
39/2 HMG, Pistol, Knife
35/0 Multi Rifle + Nimbus LGL, Pistol, Knife
33/.5 Boarding Shotgun + 1 Tinbot(Deflector L2), Pistol, Knife
29/.5 Panzerfaust, Light Shotgun, Pistol, Knife
31/0 (Forward Observer) Boarding Shotgun, Pistol, Knife
Wu Ming.. one of those profiles that suffered in the recent focus on cheaper/more orders within the ITS-scene. They were good profiles, but you got them for a really high cost, leaving you not much room for the much needed specialist in a sectorial already a bit starved.
Their points drop quite a bit; Multi Rifle drops 8 points, Shotgun 3. the Wu Ming get a new Panzerfaust profile, and it looks like this is traded in for the Rocket Launcher. They do get access to Nimbus grenades and Kinematika.
Also the much needed Forward Observer, which makes a Wu Ming linkteam an escort for though specialists. I think we’ll see them more and more in N3.
Zhanying Imperial Agents
MOV 4-4, CC 16, BS 12, PH10, WIP13, ARM2, PB 3, H 1, S 2, AVA2
Habilidades Esp.: Bioinmunity – Sixth Sense Level 2
-(sensor) Fusil C-c-c-combi Breaker, Granadas Nimbus, Pistola, Pulso Electrico, CAP 0, C 26
-Ametralladora, Pistola, Pulso Electrico, CAP 1, C 30
-(sensor) Escopeta de Abordaje, Granadas Nimbus, Pistola, Pulso Electrico, CAP 0, C 23
-Lanzamisiles, Nanopulser, Granadas Nimbus, Pistola, Pulso Electrico, CAP 1.5, C 28
-Hacker, Fusil C-c-c-combi Breaker, Cargas-D, Pistola, Pulso Electrico, CAP 0.5, C 32
-Ob.Artilleria, Fusil C-c-c-combi Breaker, Pistola, Pulso Electrico, CAP 0, C 25
-Teniente, Ametralladora, Pistola, Pulso Electrico, CAP 1, C 30
-Teniente (sensor), Fusil C-c-c-combi Breaker, Granadas Nimbus, Pistola, Pulso Electrico, CAP 0, C 26
(this came directly from Koni over @ Spanish forums, and my Spanish isn’t great so please bear with me! 😉 )
The new Agent for Yu Jing and ISS. Bioimmunity and 6th Sense lv2. It looks like a bit of a Swiss Knife; lots of possibilities Load-out has been known for a while: HMG, Sniper, Missile Launcher, Combi Rifle Breaker (wow), Sensor and ‘Ob. Artilleria’..? Orbital Artillery? Is someone can help me out, please do! 😛 Thanks Fool’s Idol and Aldo: Ob. Artilleria = Forward Observer.. makes MUCH more sense! Nimbus Grenades are cool!
It looks like the agent is protected against any CC-attack, and it’s amazingly cheap (seeing the notorious price of the other Agents in 2nd Edition). More will follow!
Nimbus Special Ammunition
Category: Exotic
– Nimbus Ammo generates an area with the effects of both Low Visibilty Zone and Saturation Zone.
– Circle Template. Infinity Height
– Nimbus Template remains on the table until the end of the Player Turn
– Firing a Nimbus Template is an Attack
– It is a non-offensive weapon and can be thrown at any point on the table
– Critical Hits have no additional effect.
Nimbus PLUS
– Both Poor Visibility and Saturation Zone.
– MODs from Poor Visibility and Saturation Zone will also be applied to MSV of any level, or any equipment that specifies the same.
Low Vis Zone
– -3MOD to relevant Attribute
– Stacks with other MODS like range, cover, etc etc. But never with other Zone of Visibility MODS
Poor Vis Zone
– -6MOD to relevant Attribute
– Stacks with other MODS like range, cover, etc etc. But never with other Zone of Visibility MODS
Saturation Zone
– Any BS attack from, into, or through a Saturation Zone suffers a -1 Burst MOD
– Consequently, and BS attack whose LoF makes contact with a Saturation Zone suffers the -1Burst MOD
– The minimum Burst is always 1
High Saturation Zone
– Same but with a -2 Burst MOD
Hac Tao Special Unit
MOV4-4, CC19, BS14, PH14, WIP14, ARM5, BTS6, W2, S2, AVA1
Special Skills: CH: TO Camouflage, Kinematika L1
64/0 Multi Rifle, Nanopulser, Pistol, DA CCW
68/2 HMG, Nanopulser, Pistol, DA CCW
59/0 Boarding Shotgun, Nanopulser, Pistol , DA CCW
65/2 Missile Launcher, Nanopulser, Pistol, DA CCW
70/.5 (Assaulting Hacking Device) Multi Rifle, Nanopulser, Pistol, DA CCW
65/.5 (Executive Order) Multi Rifle, Nanopulser, Pistol, DA CCW
69/2 (Executive Order) HMG, Nanopulser, Pistol, DA CCW
We already saw the Hac Tao teased. Right now, we get to see the rest of the profile! N3 hacking and Executive Order, which opens up new LT-seeking shenanigans.
Executive Order
– This Special Skill activates only when the user deploys on the game table
– The moment the user of Executive Order is placed on the game table for deployment, he becomes his army’s LT, stripping the former LT of his rank
– The identity of this new LT is still considered Private Information
Hsien warriors
MOV4-4, CC19, BS14, PH14, WIP14, ARM4, BTS6, W2, S2, AVA2
Equipment: MSV2
Special Skills: MA1
57/0 Multi Rifle, Pistol, AP CCW
60/.5 Multi rifle, Nanopulser + 1 Tinbot B(Deflector L2), Pistol AP CCW
61/2 HMG, Nanopulser, Pistol, AP CCW
52/0 Boarding Shotgun, Pistol, AP CCW
57/+1 (LT) Multi Rifle, Nanopulser, Pistol, AP CCW
60/0 (LT)Multi rifle, Nanopulser + 1 Tinbot B(Deflector L2), Pistol AP CCW
61/2 (LT) HMG, Nanopulser, Pistol, AP CCW
Hsiens were great in 2nd Edition. Now; movement boost! CC+3, MA L1 and MSV2, and lots of new LT options. The Hsien also gains access to the Tinbot, which is a hacking defensive.
No price reduction.
MOV 4-4, CC23, BS 11, PH 12, WIP 13, ARM 1, BTS 0, W 1, S 2, AVA 2
Special Skills: CH: TO Camo, Infilitration, Kinematika L1, MA L3, Multiterrain
Tactical Bow, Pistol, DA CCW, Knife, SWC 0, 26
Combi Rifle, Pistol, Shock CCW, Knife, SWC 0, 34
Combi Rifle, Pistol, DA CCW, Knife, SWC 0, 34
Combi Rifle, Pistol, AP CCW, Knife, SWC 0, 35
Multi Sniper Rifle, Pistol, Shock CCW, Knife, SWC 1.5, 42
Assault Hacking Device, Combi Rifle, Pistol, Shock CCW, Knife, SWC 0.5, 40
We’ve got teased a lot about the Ninjas. Tactical Bows, the new CC rules. Now, we have the intel! 😉
Still a TO camouflaged Infiltrating Skirmisher, the Ninja gains Kinematika L1 and MA Lv3. Multiterrain too! They do become a bit cheaper. 2 points base, and they get the extremely cheap Tactical Bow option! Also the hacker gets 8 point reduction! Wh00p, cheaper specialist! They however lose their Explosive CCW; all Shock, DA and AP.
The Tactical Bow means two things:
Tactical Bow
Short 0-8 (+3), Medium 8-16 (0), Long 16-24 (-6)
Damage PH
Burst 1
Ammunition DA
Traits Anti-Material, Silent
If you use this weapon or piece of equipment to make an Attack while outside of Target’s LoF, that target cannot react by Changing Facing or apply the Warning! rule unless he survives the attack (that is, isn’t Null state after the Attack is resolved)
Anti-Material grants the Ninja the ability to break through walls. Great if you want to take a detour to your target.
Zhanshi Yisheng & Gongcheng
MOV 4-4, CC 14, BS 11, PH 10, WIP 13, ARM 1, BTS 0, W 1, S 2, AVA 1
Equipment: MediKit
Special Skills: Doctor
Combi Rifle, Pistol, Knife, SWC 0, Cost 15
Mech-Engineer, Combi-Rifle, D-Charges, Pistol, Knife, SWC 0, Cost 15
Tiger Soldiers
MOV4-2, CC15, BS13, PH12, WIP14, ARM2, BTS0, W1, S2, AVA3
Special Skills: AD: Combat Jump/ Multiterrain, CH: Mimetism
27/0 Combi Rifle + LFT, Pistol, Knife
25/0 Boarding Shotgun, Pistol, Knife
34/1.5 MSR, Pistol, Knife
32/1.5 Spitfire, Pistol, Knife
33/.5 (Assault Hacking Device) Combi Rifle + LFT, Pistol, Knife
29/0 Paramedic(Medikit) Combi Rifle + LFT, Pistol, Knife
27/1 (LT) Combi Rifle + LFT, Pistol, Knife
The new Tiger Soldier concept looked awesome! It changes not much (stat remain the same, as do the Skills). They lose their HMG, but get access to the Spitfire! They do, however, get the price reduction on the hacker and sniper (who uses a AD sniper?)
Yan Huo Invincibles Fire Support Heavy Regiment
MOV4-2, CC15, BS14, PH13, WIP13, ARM5, BTS3, W2, S5, AVA2
53/2 MULTI HMG, Pistol, Knife
54/2 HMC, Pistol, Knife
52/2 2-Missile Launchers, Pistol Knife
53/2 LT, MULTI HMG, Pistol, Knife
54/2 LT, HMC, Pistol, Knife
Okay… That’s big! Yu Jing gets access to a Heavy Infantry, the size of Tarik and Ajax, with access to heavy TAG weaponry. Looks like Yu Jing finally gets their units that really makes them the HI-faction!
Multi HMG, Dual Missile Launcher or Heavy Rapid Magnetic Cannon, for the cost of a Gecko. Unlike said Gecko, these big boys won’t be able to be possessed.
*Mic drop*
Sun Tze
MOV4-4, CC15, BS12, PH12, WIP17, ARM4, BTS6, W2, S2, AVA1
Speciai Skills: CH: Mimetism, Strategoes L3, Total Immunity, V: NWI
55/0 Boarding Shotgun, 2 Nanopulsers, Flash Pulse, Pistol, Knife
60/0 Multi Rifle, 2 Nanopulsers, Flash, Pistol, Knife
55/0 (LT, Advanced Command) Boarding Shotgun, 2 Nanopulsers, Flash Pulse, Pistol, Knife
65/0 (LT, Advanced Command) Multi Rifle, 2 Nanopulsers, Flash, Pistol, Knife
Sun Tze.. Advanced Command, gaining you one Command Token at the start of your game. That’s an incredible feat! The Heavy Infantry gains mobility, and also Mimetism to make him more survivable. Strategos Lv3 remains the same, dispite other rumours previously!
Saito Togan, Mercenary Ninja
MOV4-4, CC24, BS11, PH13, WIP13, ARM1, BTS0, W1, S2, AVA1
Special Skills: CH: TO Camouflage, Infiltration, Kinematika L1, MA4, Multiterrain
39/0 Combi Rifle, Smoke Grenades, Pistol, EXP CCW, Knife
2 points cheaper, and CC+6 (dafuq?), Kinematica Lv1 and Martial Art Lv4. Also, multiterrain!
Still the TO beast he was, but better, and cheaper.
Miyamoto Musashi
Irregular, MOV6-4, CC25, BS9, PH14, WIP15, ARM1, BTS3, W1, S2, AVA1
Special Skills: Dual Wield, Kinematika L2, MA5, V; NWI
24/0 Chain Rifle, Flash Pulse, Pistol, AP CCW, EXP CCW
2 points off, CC+3, BTS+3, Dual Wield (2 swords) Martial Art lv5, Kinematica Lv2 (dashes 2 inch extra to get into CC) and no wound Incapacitation.
Great and lethal merc.
Obs Artilleria in the Imperial agent means Forward Observer
LOL, explains a lot. I’ll change it ASAP. Thanks for clarifying! 😉
Also, keep in mind that a lot of the “missing” stuff might be from later books. For example, Guilang with minelayer profile came in Human Sphere, so I think he’s still likely to show up once the update .df gets published.
Same with a few of the other ones…
True, you’re right about that!
News on domaru butai profile?
they are a Human Sphere unit so they will be in a pdf revising the units that were not from the core book
I heard my Keisotsu were off the list … darmn it! I like the ninja bumps and the Miyamoto buff is awesome. Just wish the JSA was more present in this book. Awe well.