Yu Jing

Yu Jing, the Asian Giant. The second most powerful nation in the Human Sphere, combining multiple Eastern cultures into one. Combining past traditions with new technology they are a dangerous nation, trying to gain the upper hand by manipulation and force.
In the first half of the 21th century, the People’s Republic of China awoke. Their system of Socialist-Capitalism was so successful that it threatened to destroy China due to its success. China was under a cultural assault as the population lost faith in their Communist roots and instead looked to the West’s entertainment industry for inspiration and relief.
Thanks to the Cultural Revolution, generations of Chinese had grown up without a dogmatic anchor. Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism had all been eradicated and the gods and emperors of old had been gone for too long. China needed to reinvent itself after their cultural stagnation during the 20th century.
The traditional Chinese values were restored in a way that the communist Party saw fit. State and religion became close again and the Party was looking for a figurehead for Chinese culture. They found the descendants from the powerful Ming and Qing dynasties from old and reinstated the Dragon as a powerful State figure.
China became an economic super-power in Asia that quietly expanded through economic means into the surrounding countries. One by one they were swallowed by the Dragon, becoming part of the nation, but still keeping their own cultural heritage and identity.
When the economic power of the U.S.A. fell apart, the global world shook to its core and in the ensuing panic, countries like Japan and South Korea, which hadn’t been swallowed by China yet and had previously relied on the U.S.A., sought to align themselves with China. This was not well received by many citizens of both countries and to prevent the newly formed China from being accused of imperialism, China needed to reform again, forming the superstate Yu Jing. Now, owning half the Asian continent, Yu Jing turned their eyes to the stars.
Yu Jing Territory
Yu Jing was the second nation in the space-race, right after PanOceania colonized their second planet; Acontecimento. Yu Jing discovered the twin system of YuTang and ShenTang. Both these planets were habitable and fertile, providing a easy solution for their overpopulation problems. Though Yu Jing still was in charge Chung Kuo, their territory back on Earth, the twin system of YuTang and ShenTang became their new base of operations.
The search for more planets became a race and both Yu Jing and PanOceania managed to get a foothold on Huangdi, or Svalarheima as PanOceania called it. After Huangdi, both nations discovered Paradiso, which further escalated the political-military tensions between the nations, ultimately leading to the NeoColonial Wars.
Both nations also discovered the planet Dawn, where they established contact with the lost Colony of Ariadna. Once again Yu Jing and PanOceania found themselves in a tense situation over the rich natural resources of Dawn.
The Imperial System, a system of Balance
In accord with Taoist principles, Balance is a major factor in Yu Jing State organization. While the Emperors are figureheads of Yu Jing culture, they share their power with the Party. Both these centres of power are forced to share their power again within their own center; the Emperors are divided by the Ming and Qing dynasties, and the Party is divided between the conservative Maoist Old Guard and the more progressive social-capitalist New Wave.
Both these aspects of the centers of power holds the other one in check, just like the delicate balance of Yin Yang.
While the Court is a splendour of Asian culture, rich and theatrical, the Party is pragmatic and sober. Still the Party holds the true power in Yu Jing, and the Emperor is subject to the Party. If the Emperor disobeys the Party will find a way to get rid of him—one way or another.
The Qing and Ming dynasties are figure heads of Yu Jing political power. The Party put two competing dynasties in office to prevent them from gaining too much power. While one dynasty sits in Imperial Court, the other once schemes against it. This way no family could ever climb up to the near-divine levels of power they had in ancient times. The true power of Yu Jing remains in the hands of the Party and the citizens of Yu Jing with their votes. Each Emperor is elected from the dynasties by the citizens before he can sit on the Throne of Jade.
The only members of the dynasties available for elections are those that earned a degree in Law at Tian Di Jing, the Imperial University. Only then can they become the Emperor, executing their role as head of the State Empire Supreme Tribunal.
The ambition of each dynasty is only stilled when one of them sits on the Throne of Jade, which of course excludes the other dynasty from the sphere of power. While the system prevents one family from gaining omnipotent powers, it does not prevent both families from intrigue, acts of treasons and fighting for control, power and perhaps most importantly, influence.
The Imperial System is strongly rooted in Confucian philosophy. This philosophy tries to create a benevolent and just ruler, whose citizens are loyal and aware. The system is structured using the concepts of Confucian hierarchy which creates a restrictive bureaucracy, making the State Empire a slow monolith.
The Happiest Nation
If what the State media says is true, Yu Jing is the safest and happiest nation in the entire Human Sphere. Their armies repels all foreign invaders and quickly disperse any inside threat to the stability of the nation.
What isn’t mentioned however is how convenient the existence of these threats are for the Party. Yu Jing society is fully infiltrated by Triads, large criminal organizations, and terrorist groups like the Nipponese Tatenokai and Kempeitai. Space is also filled with Yuan Yuan, pirates of Yu Jing descent. It seems strange that a society as controlled as Yu Jing, isn’t able to eradicate these kinds of inside threats. Even an organization like the Imperial Service isn’t able to defeat these threats.
For Yu Jing, these inside threats and foreign adversaries are an effective way to instill a sense of community and belonging with its citizens. The Other can become a faceless enemy that allows the Party to control Yu Jing through fear of the Other, making Yu Jing a closed and strong nation.
However, the State media does not cover the strange disappearances across the nation, and the attacks of the Triads or the Kempeitai on the State of Yu Jing, and the brutal counter-attacks of the Imperial Secret Service. There is also no mentioning of Satori, the Invisible Prison on the second moon of Paradiso. The moon is devoid from any international law, as Yu Jing does not allow any O-12 commissioners to set foot on land. There are however several Nomad and Haqqislamic settlements on the moon, used primarily for commercial interests. Many of the old medical facilities on Satori are rumoured to be used as experimental ‘interrogation’ centres by the ISS.
The Trinity of Asian Religion
Three major religions are thriving in Yu Jing and hold a cultural significance in Yu Jing society.
Buddhism, which focuses on deep social concerns, is popular with the Party and the cultural and intellectual elite of Yu Jing. Confucianism is the state religion, preaching obedience from its citizens and for the rulers to be wise and benevolent. Taoism is the religion of the citizens of Yu Jing, focussing on the strong individualistic character.
Just like in Ancient China these three religions co-exist next to each other, providing a source for ritual and meaning for all Yu Jing citizens.
Yu Jing’s Game for Power
Yu Jing is the second greatest power in the Human Sphere. Plotting and scheming its way to power, Yu Jing tries to become a major player in every nation, infiltrating through its economic ties into every other nation as a trojan horse. Through the diplomacy of O-12, the Dragon gets its claws into every other nation in the Human Sphere, getting more influence traveling the way of least resistance.
7 Responses
[…] official “Designedfor Infinity” seal of approval, is coming in hot with new concept artwork for Yu Jing’s “Azure Dragon” dropship—the third conceptual design to go […]
[…] Japanese are one of the biggest ethnic minorities within Yu Jing society. Although Yu Jing is the whole of Asia, the Chinese never really forgave the Japanese for […]
[…] style and local meta (Colorado). We have relatively dense tables, few Tags, lots of camo and no Yu Jing or Pan-O to speak of. I will only talk about models I […]
[…] example, a PanO Fusilier is attempting to throw a smoke grenade and then dash across an alleyway. A Yu Jing Kuang Shi trooper has a line of fire to the Fusilier and declares an ARO to shoot the Fusilier. The […]
[…] PanOceania and Yu Jing quickly settled lands on Ariadna, mining the valuable Teseum from the planet. Only the intervention […]
[…] Infinity fansite has the honour of showing us all the first insight in the new Invincible Army of Yu Jing: the Terracota Soldier, a.k.a the Zu Yong Invincible carrying a HMG. We think this Heavy Infantry […]
[…] will be part of a JSA-themed Support Pack, since the vanilla Yu Jing Support Pack can’t be used by any of Yu Jing’s sectorials. The ISS has access to the […]