That’s Totally Crit

What a load of Crit

Too many crits? Can’t have too many, unless they’re not yours! Hey there, I’m Bobman and I’m new to the team and I bring you news of a new podcast dedicated to Infinity, but this time it’s based in the UK.

I got into Infinity a year and a half ago and was immediately impressed with how welcoming the community is. I’ve been involved in wargaming for a number of years and it was refreshing. Don’t get me wrong, there are some great guys out there. One such group I encountered on my return from hiatus from wargaming and which welcomed me back into the fold and on to a journey that has led me here, the great community of Infinity. Locally I’ve been joined by James ‘Flashman‘, John ‘Benford‘ and later Chris ‘Pooteflump‘ and we enjoy events and the banter. Moreover we never seem to tire of the conversation around Infinity and as the community seems to be relatively small and in a state of growth (at least in our area) there is a lot to talk about. We were also aware that there was a gap in the podcast market. There are a few good out there but they are all American based. That isn’t a bad thing but we thought it would be good to have a British perspective.

Totally Crit Podcast

And so the Totally Crit Podcast was born. We are all new to this so it will be a learning experience, some may even call it amatuer hour, but we have enthusiasm on our side. Especially with John! We all attend the ‘Hydra Gaming Club’ and enjoy tournament road trips. While it is just a few guys with a passion for Infinity I also think we may drop a few gems along the way, maybe even something insightful. We hope to bring you views on Infinity from a British perspective. We’ll be covering everything from hobby to tactics and while none of claim to be an Oracle when it comes to Infinity we just give you a few ideas! We also have a Facebook page which has a few pictures up from our escapades already and if we delve into the hobby aspect then expect to see some more.  I gave you a little bit on my ‘Road to Infinity’, how I got into the game and if you want the full scoop on the rest of the guys the first and second episode is already up and our Infinite Road is yet to come where we will be expanding on what factions we play, tactics we use and some of our favourite models. In episode 2 we also talk a bit about the up coming N3. I hope you will join us for the ride.


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