Tagged: Tohaa



The Tohaa are an advanced alien race and a long time enemy of the Combined Army. They are the guardians of a treasure of knowledge known as the Digesters. The Tohaa have fought of...


Bostria’s Challenge: The Tohaa

Bostria challenged us to write an article following these guidelines: I would like to read about 300pts army lists, ITS effective, with existing good looking miniatures, no proxys and no model from a box left...


June Preview #5: Igao

Last of June! The Igao with Boarding Shotgun. Now, we were already impressed with the previous Igao release because that was an A-MA-ZING sculpt. This one, on the other hand, is down right legendary....


April Preview #5: Tohaa Kaeltar Specialists

[Update 22-may-2015: Rules!] The Tohaa get a new reinforcement in the form of the Kaeltars Specialists. Not much is known about the unit right now but it comes with a litter of Pokétohaa… Tohámon?...


Starting with Tohaa

Tohaa are the newest addition to the range of armies Infinity has to offer. And they are a special kind of ‘special’. 😉 They are the only regular army that is able to run...


October Preview #5: Kotail Mobile Unit

Last one of the month; the Kotail Mobile Unit with a Spitfire. This Kotail follows the previous Kotail very quickly, and that’s a good thing! Now every Tohaa player can use the load-outs of the...


August Preview #3: Tohaa Kotail

The Kotail is the new Tohaa unit and boy, is he a bag full of tricks! Movement 6-4, Holoechoes Level 2, dual Combi rifle and even a Forward Observer option. Also it has the...