May Preview – PanOceania Bagh-Mari
Thanks to Corvus Belli, Data Sphere has their hands on a new preview for you all! 😉 We present you the Bagh-Mari! BAGH-MARI UNIT “Sarvada Shaktishali” (Ever Powerful). Hindi motto of the Jungle Warfare...
Thanks to Corvus Belli, Data Sphere has their hands on a new preview for you all! 😉 We present you the Bagh-Mari! BAGH-MARI UNIT “Sarvada Shaktishali” (Ever Powerful). Hindi motto of the Jungle Warfare...
N3 updated a lot of Aerial Deployment unit. Many lost their Heavy Machine Guns in favor of the Spitfire. Due to the new range bands this is not a bad move. The Akalis is...