Tagged: Combined Army


Combined Army

The Combined Army is humanities greatest threat. Guided by the Evolved Intelligence a combined force of alien races has set their eyes on the Human Sphere. Through a wormhole next to the planet Paradiso...


June Preview #1: Combined Army Support Pack

The releases are showing up quick this month! Combined Army finally gets their own Support Boxed Set. When even the JSA got their own Support Pack, it was due to happen. 😉 This boxed set...


May Preview #3: Umbra Legates

May also boosts the Combined Army with another Umbra Legates.. and what a great sculpt! So dynamic and his pose really shows the power that the Legates carry in their profiles. It shows off...


Starting with the Morat Aggression Force

The Morat Aggression Force. The Fist of the Combined Army. An army of red-skinned apes, trained for battle growing up in a martial culture. These tough bastards bow to no-one, and it shows in...


April Preview #3: Fraacta Drop Unit

The second droptrooper for this month, the Fraacta Drop Unit. The Fraacta is one the new additional forces of the Combined Army, the Sygmaa; renegade Tohaa, collaborating with the Combined Army. Much like the Tiger Soldier,...


Starting with… Combined Army

Today we take a look at the awesome new starter of the Combined Army. This Start Set introduced entirely new units to the game, never seen before! This makes the Starter worthy of a...


January Preview #4: Unidron SWC

After the new Combined Army Starter we could hardly wait to see the SWC box of Unidrons released. The profiles from the N3 profiles made the wait even harder! This is a ‘line infantry’ unit...


November Preview #2: Combined Army Starter

The Combined Army starter hits the spotlights at Beasts of War! This starter is composed out of entirely new models and units, and does not have any options for the previously released CA sectorials:...


September Preview #1: Kornak Gazarot

September 1st, and we already have our first catch of the month! Kornak Gazarot, the Morat Superior-Warrior Officer. He is an odd-duck, as he can link with Heavy Infantry Morats. I’m not sure why anyone...


Combined Army Starter Confirmed

Thanks to our Data Sphere Warcor who’s currently risking his life in the battlefield known as GenCon to bring you this news! Claudius Sol! We’ve just received these HD images of the Combined Army...