Starting with the Imperial Secret Service

List 3: The Swift Sword Strikes Quickly
This list features the Su Jian, one very unique Heavy Infantry that really shows why Yu Jing is the powerhouse when it comes to Heavy Infantry. The list is a bit expensive to start with, but I seriously doubt you won’t be using ALL of those models if you venture into 300 point, tournament style play. I’d say it’s a very good starter investment! 😉
What you need:
Starter Boxed Set
Kuang Shi Boxed Set
Celestial Guard Boxed Set
Su Jian Boxed Set
Yao Kong Boxed Set
Sophotect Boxed Set
The List:
Su Jian (Spitfire)
Celestial Guard (Kuang Shi Device)
Kuang Shi (Chain Rifle)
Kuang Shi (Chain Rifle)
Kuang Shi (Chain Rifle)
Kuang Shi (Chain Rifle)
Sophotect (Combi Rifle)
YaoKong WeiBing (Forward Observer)
Celestial Guard (Boarding Shotgun)
Celestial Guard (Combi Rifle)
Celestial Guard (Hacker)
Celestial Guard (Spitfire)
This list is designed for the Su Jian and it comes in with 12 orders! 12 orders at 200 points is amazing. And it’s all thanks to the Kuang Shi.
The first combat group consist of 8 orders to power the beast that is the Su Jian. You can link the Kuang Shi (yes, they have that amazing feature!) so that they lose their Impetuous state. This to make sure they won’t run off first turn to get shot! Would be a waste of orders, am I right?
Link them, and put them somewhere safe. Let the Su Jian finish the job. Make sure to use the Celestial Guard hacker to protect the Su Jian with fairy dust from a hack-attack. Would be a waste to see your Su Jian immobilized in the first turn.
8 orders to run your Su Jian around. At this level of points, that’s a lot of mobility in an, already very mobile, attackplatform like this.
If you happen to lose the Kuang Shi during the game, you can always use your Command Tokens to switch the Celestial Guard with the Kuang Shi device over to the other combat group and exploit the full potential of a linkteam. Or leave her there for the order contribution.
Anyway, let’s look at the models!
The Su Jian is a high-tech experimental Heavy Infantry. Yes. It’s a heavy Infantry. Not a Remote. This allows the Su Jian to dodge without modifiers and to go prone, which the Remotes can not do. But it doesn’t have Wounds. The Strength attribute allows the Su Jian to make use of the Remote Presence ability, which grants it a extra level of Unconsiousness.
If you think that’s a weird and niche combination of skills, let’s take a further look!
The Su Jian can transmutate like a transformer. It has two options: High Mobility platform, which grants it a very fast movement of 12 inch total per order, and Climbing Plus to skip over any objective in its way.
The other platform is the Combat form, where it loses out on the mobilty (back to 4-2) and Climbing Plus, but instead gains higher BS and CC stats.
In every other way, the Su Jian works like a Heavy Infantry and has high ARM and BTS stats and 2 Strength. It’s a fast moving tank that can skip and slide over almost any kind of terrain only to transform itself into a terrible fighter.
The Su Jian comes with a Spitfire, a Flamethrower and a Panzerfaust, so he basically has an answer for every kind of target.
Note that G: Remote Presence of the Su Jian basically gives it 4 Wounds. 2 Wounds before it goes unconscious, and when unconscious, he can take another level of unconsciousness before it really dies. That means your opponent has to make 4 hits at a ARM4/BTS6 model to really remove it off the table.
It also allows you to take 4 hits and still be able to heal the Su Jian with the Sophotect, one of Aleph’s auxiliar troops of the ISS.
The Sophotect is there to protect the Su Jian and keep it going if anything might happen to it. It’s a skilled Engineer and Doctor (WIP 15) with fast movement and No Wound Incapacitation to take a hit before passing into death-state.
She can help you keep the Su Jian running if it takes a hit.
YaoKong WeiBing is one of the four types of YaoKong Support Remote models. This one comes equipped with a Combi Rifle, Sensor and Sniffer (a Sensor range repeater), Forward Observer skills, a Deactivator for enemy mines and repeaters, and it has its own Repeater to booth, allowing your hacker to defend the Yaokong through its repeater.
Not a bad toolkit for 16 points, right?! This is your primary anti-camouflage model in your list, if we don’t count the Su Jian’s Flamethrower. 😉
Fairy dust is an entire Order and will kick the Hacker out of the Link.
Smoke is a fine thing, but the kuang shi have to act before the smoke-lgl, still vrry usable, but you have to be carful with the kuang shi.
Sprinkle dust as a first order and form a link afterwards. And same goes for the Kuang Shi, have them start as a link, and you will negate their impetuousness in your first turn. Lots of ways to get the most out of what you bring. 🙂
Yes you can Do that, but It will also cost you a command token…
Could always just take a Wu Ming fire team with a Tinbot. Hell, Tinbot, FO, and HMG/MULTI Rifle + LGL is a fine budget fire team that can get a lot done. Especially in an ISS list.
I also didn’t see you mention anything about Wu Ming being sans-Cube, Scorch! Huge deal when CA players in your meta try to spring Sepsitor on your precious fire team. Same thing goes for the Su Jian.
Add in some Quack Sheep and their handler, a Zhanying Hacker (I know, no model but we can proxy), and a Dakini Paramedic.
3 specialists isn’t terrible for 200pts in ITS, but it’s hard enough to do so and stack a HI fire team. Especially, since the Wu Ming has 2 juicy ARM3 BTS3 PH13 wounds to get through.
Good and tough list, GhostWolves. The ones in the article are just one of the countless options available! 🙂
True, there is a cost. But I see no reason to save 4 of them for a ‘later moment’ that might never come! 😉
That’s why I love Infinity. No two lists have to be the same. We both offered something interesting and playable. This is what makes Infinity unique and fun. The list is a small facet that can show off a players skill.
Agreed! 🙂 These articles are meant for the new players, in a way of showing the flexibility you can bring! 🙂
last night i played with one of your lists. Since i have problems with list building in IS. I used list based on Su Jian. Only things i have changed where 1 celestial guard hacker instead of regular one and i have added Ninja Hacker. Changes where made as we played for 250 pts. During my 2nd and 3rd ,I have made bad tactical decisions (like going in h2h with Armored Brigade and getting hit by combi rifle from last specialist from my enemy) Should have just shoot that guy (last specialist) and i would have win that game, as my opponent didn’t had sized any objectives by that point. Kuang Shi, they ended up dead in my 2nd turn, but they returned themselves but killing around 100 points [great unit]. Next on my list to try is your list with Crane (as i love that model). Over all very good army list (sujian one) thanks a lot for your effort of helping noobs like me 🙂
You’re welcome! 🙂 It was a joy coming up with some lists. I’m a big fan of the Ninja Hacker in N3, but I feel it’s too expensive for a 200 point list. Good choice to pick that one if you expand the list to 250 points!
And you took out 100 points with a couple of Kuang shi? That’s not bad! 😉 Points well spent!
Enjoy your game with the Crane list. 🙂 I’m still waiting for the model myself.. 🙁 LGS is a bit slow.