Starting With NeoTerra Capitaline Army

List #4: ITS, we’ve come to collect our price.
Squalo (Heavy Grenade Launcher)
Auxilia (Observer)
-Auxbot (Heavy Flamethrower)
Pathfinder (Observer)
Hexa (Spitfire)
Fusilier (Combi Rifle)
Fusilier (Combi Rifle)
Fusilier (Observer)
Fusilier (HMG)
Bipandra (Doctor)
Deva (Hacker)
Auxilia (Observer)
-Auxbot (Heavy Flamethrower)
Peacemaker (Heavy Shotgun)
-Auxbot (Heavy Flamethrower)
PanOceania is the TAG faction, and what would PanO’s golden boys be without their TAGs? The Squalo is (one of) NeoTerra’s designated TAGs. You won’t encounter TAGs often in ITS, as they are expensive, and aren’t able to claim objectives themselves. In the ‘keep all your options open’ attitude many bring to ITS, it’s not the best way to build your list. But it sure is fun! And especially the PanO TAGs know how to bring the pain to the game. 😉
The Squalo can be a real beast, especially with the Heavy Grenade Launcher. This profile can drop speculative shots on a big part of the table, essentially making it a no-go area for many enemy models. Nobody wants to venture into artillery territory, am I right?
Next to that he still carries a Multi Heavy Machine Gun, allowing the gun to either load Explosive Ammo or Armour Piercing Ammo. NCA’s opponent’s are lucky PanO lacks very good engineer options because the G:Remote Presence on this TAG allows you to repair it, even if it’s down to zero wounds. G:Remote Presence gives your models an extra Unconsious state. I won’t be exploiting this ability in this specific list, but keep it in mind when you build your own list. You can use it and bring an Engineer.
If you want to use the Heavy Grenade Launcher to the fullest, you bring a good set of Forward Observers. Not only are they Specialists in ITS (meaning they can claim objectives), they also have the ability to pin-point where enemy models are located on the Squalo’s targeting system, allowing its Speculative Shots to aim true.
Shelling your enemy from across the table is a nasty way to play. It’s order intensive in the eyes of many, but it does allow you to take out some threats early in the game.
Like every TAG, the Squalo needs support. In Infinity everything dies and even the mighty Squalo can fall over from enough small-arms fire. Keep this in mind, and protect your Squalo well. You’ll lose about one-third of your list as soon as he falls. TAGs are not meant to be lone warriors, tearing through an opponent’s list. He can easily bring it down with one missile and a set of favourable dice.
PanOceania is a bit of a let-down in their support options. They don’t have a good doctor (the Trauma Doc is known for killing her own patients on the field) and their engineer is not so great either.
Bipandra is there to level the support-section in NeoTerra. She’s a designated Fusilier character, meaning she can do everything a regular Fusilier can do, but has better stats, and some added skills.
Bipandra is the best doctor in the PanOceanian armies, easily surpassing the Trauma Doc. This also means she’s a Specialist, and carries around a Medikit.
She even has a Light Shotgun next to her Combi Rifle, which means adding her to the other Fusiliers in a full linkteam grants the team a great close quarter weapon.
Devas are great for PanO in ITS, especially the hacker. In an army that’s known for its low WIP stats, the Deva is a beast of Willpower. WIP15, on a hacker is not bad at all, especially when it’s a No Wound Incapacitation hacker, giving it the ability to shrug of a wound and continue to claim objectives.
Next we have the Armbot Peacemaker, the only option the NCA has to get their units deployed outside of their deployment zone. It’s Mechanized Deployment Skill allows the Peacemaker to be deployed in the first 12” outside of your own deployment zone.
It has a Repeater too, so it not immediately out of the Zone of Control of hackers. Use that, and allow the Peacemaker to get the support software running from the hackers.
The Peacemaker has a little fellow accompanying him, much like the Auxilias do. A Heavy Flamethrower bot on one side, and the other end has a Remote with Heavy Shotgun.
This will be a great speedbump for any opponent’s alpha strikes on your army.
The NeoTerra Capitaline Army is an expensive army point-wise. The Golden Boys of PanO have their price, but you SURE do get what you pay for. 😉 The Starter Set is an odd-one, and very expensive in points for new players with smaller armies. The PanOceania Vanilla Starter Set is a good start-up too, as it has the cheaper Fusiliers in it. This might give you the flexibility for your first couple of smaller games.
These lists are just ideas to show a couple of possibilities, but it definitely is not the end of the possibilities this army has to offer. If you like the Swiss Guard a lot, be sure to fit in him in one of your lists! While I haven’t included him in the ones above, he is not a bad investment of points and can definitely chew a lot of your opponent’s points.
Just a small addition to your last list: You can switch the 3 Fusilier Boxes/Blister with the new 4-Fusilier-Box. Nicer, new models and still including an HMG and a Hacker 🙂 Please keep up the work! Would really like to see lists like this for all factions and sectorials!
Yes, it is a recent addition to the catalogues and the series is on hold, so I haven’t updated the articles yet. When N3 hits the shelves, we’ll redo the already published ones and continue with the series, using the new unit loadouts/cost.
Thank you for the compliment. We’re planing to continue this series as soon as N3 is in the picture and we’ve had a taste of the new rules!