Starting With NeoTerra Capitaline Army

List #3: Aleph’s your best friend!
NCA is one of the few sectorials in the game that has access to Aleph auxiliar troops. Aleph is after all an PanOceania funded project, so it’s not weird to encounter these in the faction. We’ll focus this list on their support-options. 😉
Funny enough, you can build this list without the need for the starter set. Yes, it isn’t really in the spirit of this series, but with a starter set clocking in at 223 points, I feel there is a need for some out-of-the-box thinking.
What do you need?
Hexa Sniper Blister
Deva Spitfire Blister
Garuda Blister
Auxilia Boxed Set
PanOceania Starter Boxed Set (weird, right? ;))
Fusiliers SWC Boxed Set
DronBots Boxed Sets.
The List:
Deva (Spitfire)
Garuda (Boarding Shotgun)
Auxilia (Observer)
-Auxbot (Heavy Flamethrower)
Auxilia (Observer)
-Auxbot (Heavy Flamethrower)
Hexa (Multi Sniper Rifle)
Fusilier (Hacker)
Fusilier (Observer)
Fusilier (Combi)
Pathfinder Dronbot (Observer)
Sierra Dronbot (Heavy Machine Gun)
Devas, terrific! Or terrifying, depending on which side of the table you’re standing. This one is the most lethal in my eyes. Equipped with a MSV2 and a Spitfire this is NCA’s budget anti-camo option. For when a Aquila Guard doesn’t fit in your list.
Devas are Aleph’s line infantry, uncanny inhuman operatives that work to advance the agenda of the A.I. They come equipped with cyborglike strength, and have a good and decent statline to go with that too. Their No Wound Incapacitation allows them to shake of a wound. They will continue to function while wounded, where other units would fall unconscious.
The Garuda is NCA’s only droptrooper. While it might look like the faction loses out on the surprise tactics, keep in mind that the NCA has some of the best TO surprises in the game. The Garuda is a Remote, which means it suffers the same kind of physical limitations (the Garuda has a harder time trying to dodge, for example) but shares the movement with other remotes (6-4). This is one of the few drop-troopers that can disperse, but still get very close to it’s initial intented drop point with half an order. I choose the Boarding Shotgun option, as I think that’s the best option available for a droptrooper that you want to drop in the back. Aerial Deployment is the only way in NCA (outside of flanking) that allows you to attack your opponent in the back. The Garuda comes with Mimetism, to help it cope with some of the downsides of being a S2 Remote.
The Hexa sniper is a great area denial tool in NCA. Every opponent that knows NCA, knows there is a TO Camo marker hidden somewhere. Whether that TO Camo marker carries a Spitfire, Missile Launcher, Heavy Machine Gun, Rifle or a Sniper… that’s all unknown. Just like the location of said TO Camo marker. Finding a good long fire lane and placing the Hexa on the end of it, might be a great way to scare your opponent once in a while and to keep him on edge.
Use it once with great effect, and the next time your opponent will surely think with every movement; “I sure hope there isn’t some sniper Hexa hidden somewhere to take out my units.”
Long range surprise effects are sometimes even more terrifying than a close-range attack in the back, as your opponent will be in a disadvantage due to the range on many occassions. Use this model wisely, and keep your opponents on their toes whenever they encounter the NCA lists.
The Dronbots are PanOceania’s Support Remotes. Every army has access to four Support Remotes that are either a handy toolbox, or some fire-support.
The Pathfinder model is a Forward Observer, a Repeater (which works with the hacker and generates another Zone of Control), a Sensor that gives a Zone of Control wide discovery of Camouflage Markers (even TO Hidden Deployment is forced to reveal). With a +6 on their WIP. That’s great, even for PanO’s WIP. Next to that the Pathfinder has a Sniffer, which is a deployable Sensor Repeater.
It also comes with a Deactivator, which disables mines at a distance.
The Sierra Dronbot is a Fire Support unit, equipped with a Heavy Machine Gun, a 360 Visor (allowing it a 360 degree Line of Sight. And it comes with Total Reaction skill, that gives this Dronbot the ability to shoot full bursts in its Active ánd Reactive Turn. B4 is terrifying. Four dice that can hit you, and if they hit you all, you have to make 4 saves. A great reactive turn Fire Support!
Just a small addition to your last list: You can switch the 3 Fusilier Boxes/Blister with the new 4-Fusilier-Box. Nicer, new models and still including an HMG and a Hacker 🙂 Please keep up the work! Would really like to see lists like this for all factions and sectorials!
Yes, it is a recent addition to the catalogues and the series is on hold, so I haven’t updated the articles yet. When N3 hits the shelves, we’ll redo the already published ones and continue with the series, using the new unit loadouts/cost.
Thank you for the compliment. We’re planing to continue this series as soon as N3 is in the picture and we’ve had a taste of the new rules!