Starting With NeoTerra Capitaline Army

List #2: We can afford some more, we’re the rich kids.

For the starting player that likes to bring a bit more variety, we have this list. It not only features some other NCA options, but it also comes with some of the best Remotes in the Human Sphere. Weirdly enough, this list won’t feature the starter boxed set, mainly because the models in it are expensive for the 200 points we’re trying to bring you here.

What you need?
PanOceania Starter Set
Auxilia Boxed Set
Fusiliers SWC Boxed Set
Aquila Guard HMG
Armbot Bulleteers Boxed Set

The List
Auxilia (Combi Rifle)
-Auxbot (Heavy Flamethrower)
Auxilia (Combi Rifle)
-Auxbot (Heavy Flamethrower)
Fusilier (Combi Rifle)
Fusilier (Medic)
Fusilier (Observer)
Fusilier (Missile Launcher)
Fusilier (Hacker)
Aquila (HMG)
Armbot Bulleteer (Heavy Shotgun)
Armbot Bulleteer (Heavy Shotgun)

The Auxilias are NCA’s Line Infantry. An affordable trooper, the Auxilia don’t bring a shining statline. These are the Neoterra Auxiliary Police force, that support the military.

These fellows might not be the best of the best, as you’ve come to expect in NCA, but they have an amazing thing going for them: Auxbot. Each Auxilia comes with his very own mobile weapon platform, that will accompany it at all times. A little robot equipped with a Heavy Flamethrower, to have the back of a little fellow with a gun. These guys give you a lot of board control, and a lot of bodies.

The Fusiliers are PanO’s standard Infantry unit. These are the regular soldiers with a gun. Not bad at all, and they come with the standard +1 BS on every PanOceania model. That’s good for a unit whose purpose is to carry a gun. You can form a linkteam with them, which will give you some good bonusses on their abilities. The hacker is there to unlock the Remotes and to protect the Aquila Guard.

This Aquila Guard is even more fearsome than the one from the starter set. Carrying an Heavy Machine Gun, this profile is everything the Aquila is, and adds to that a high burst weapon with a higher damage output. Having the Heavy Machine Gun, the Aquila loses out on the different ammo types, but hey.. you get higher damage and higher burst in return. Solid trade-off!

He has a shoulder mounted thingy that looks a lot like PanO’s Panzerfaust design, but that is not represented in the profile, so we don’t have any idea about its function at this moment.

Last, we have the Armbot Bulleteers; nasty assault remotes armed to the teeth for one thing: taking out their targets. Let’s take a look at their profiles…

Yes, you are reading that right. For a mere 19 points, the NeoTerra forces can bring a fast attack platform, equipped with a Heavy Shotgun, one of the most lethal close range weapons, and protected by high-tech Optical Disruptor Devices, which gives every shot at them a -6 Modifier on their BS stat. NCA can bring two, so why not? 😉

Thijs "Scorch" van Tienen

Infinity enthusiast and longtime cyberpunk fan. Also enjoys some good quality tea and Thai food. Runs Data Sphere together with Arachas.

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2 Responses

  1. anchoress says:

    Just a small addition to your last list: You can switch the 3 Fusilier Boxes/Blister with the new 4-Fusilier-Box. Nicer, new models and still including an HMG and a Hacker 🙂 Please keep up the work! Would really like to see lists like this for all factions and sectorials!

    • Scorch says:

      Yes, it is a recent addition to the catalogues and the series is on hold, so I haven’t updated the articles yet. When N3 hits the shelves, we’ll redo the already published ones and continue with the series, using the new unit loadouts/cost.

      Thank you for the compliment. We’re planing to continue this series as soon as N3 is in the picture and we’ve had a taste of the new rules!

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