Starting with… Combined Army

List #3: Remotes

The third list focusses full on the remotes of the Combined Army. While it might not be the most versatile list, it can dish out some damage, and has a lot of terrifying units in it.

The List:

  • Umbra Legates (K1 Combi Rifle)
  • Maakrep Tracker (Sniper Rifle)
  • Unidron Batroids (Plasma Carbine)
  • Unidron Batroids (Plasma Carbine)
  • Unidron Batroids (K1 Combi Rifle, Tinbot)
  • M-Drone (Combi Rifle)
  • Q-Drone (Plasma)
  • Shasvastii Gwailos (Boarding Shotgun/Hacker)
  • Ikadron Batroids (Light Flamethrower)
  • Imetron

200 p/ 4 SWC

10 orders at 200 points. That’s pretty good. The units are mostly remotes so this list has some weaknesses, especially against hacking and templates (Remotes have -3 to dodge). You should take that into account and play for it. Don’t let the opponent get too close! πŸ˜‰

We drop the Drop trooper, to make some room in the list for other units. The Drones are the Combined Army’s regular Remotes. Every army has 4 types of Support Remotes. The M-Drone is a Combi Rifle wielding Forward Observer, which is nice. Targeted state is +3BS on every shot at the targeted model, so it’s worth to throw it in there.

The Q-Drone is a terrifying unit. Total Reaction means he is triggerhappy, even in the reactive turn. Full Burst of a Plasma Rifle in the reactive turn is damaging. Certainly a threat on the table!

Both models look amazing, like flying, faceless drones with alienlike tentacles and bug-like exoskeleton. Worth it!

Ikadron Batroids are another type of Batroid, and more like a mule than a real warrior. They have the Baggage rule, which allows them to crank up your retreat threshold. They also bring cheap dual flamethrowers.. which is pretty nasty on itself. Cheap, reliable and another cheap order, together with the Imetron.

Thijs "Scorch" van Tienen

Infinity enthusiast and longtime cyberpunk fan. Also enjoys some good quality tea and Thai food. Runs Data Sphere together with Arachas.

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11 Responses

  1. Melkhior says:

    Great work, but, I found 2 errors in the article.

    1. Maakrep has only Sixth Sence L1
    2. Deflector from TinBot works for all same models in fireteam and Unidrons cannot be linked right now.

    • Scorch says:

      Oh, right.. I play Odas too much.. SSL2 is almost a standard combination in my typing. XD will fix it.
      I thought tin bots were area of effect. Haven’t used them yet. Will have to look it up.

      Thanks for the feedback!

  2. Archon says:

    List #3: Remotes

    I think they lack a hacker, wich is (you mentioned it in the intro yourself) essential for a drone-army πŸ˜‰

  3. Splod says:

    Note that as the Unidron have G: Autotool, the requirement to take a hacker is waived if you have a model with G: Mnemonica in your list.

    Great article! Although I’m waiting with baited breath for the EI/Ur sectorial πŸ˜€

  1. October 3, 2015

    […] Here is an overview of the Combined Army Starter Box […]

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