Starting with… Combined Army

List #2: The Unidrons

This list will spice up the Unidron Batroids. Their SWC box hit last month, which means you can now field other weapon loadouts than the standard plasma carbine! Let’s take a look!

The List

  • Fraacta Drop Unit (combi, hacker)
  • Umbra Legates (K1 Combi Rifle)
  • Maakrep Tracker (Sniper)
  • Unidron Batroid (Plasma Carbine)
  • Unidron Batroid (Plasma Carbine, Forward Observer)
  • Unidron Batroid (K1 Combi Rifle, Tinbot)
  • Unidron Batroid (Spitfire)
  • Imetron
  • Med-Tech Obsidon Medchanoid

199 p/ 4 SWC

The Unidrons carry a load of fearsome weapons. The Plasma Carbines are already pretty scary but combined with things like K1 Combi Rifles, that completely ignore the ARM stat of a unit) and the Spitfire, the Unidron become a force to be reckoned with.

Four Remotes, carrying scary weapons. Weapons that ignore the ARM value are scary against TAGs and Heavy Infantry. Forward Observers can ‘Target’ a unit, making sure every shot fired at it gets a +3 on their BS baseline. The Tinbot loadout allows it to deploy a jammer, that defends the Unidron against hacking. It also prevents others in the linkteam, but right now Unidrons can not be linked. Still for the K1 Combi a great defense.

Another thing you might need with so many remotes is an Engineer. Luckily the Combined Army has access to the Med-Tech Medchanoid, a worm with Doctor and Engineer skills! He’s fast, so can attend to the wounded quickly, and has a high willpower, so changes are he’ll fix your infantry and remotes. Really nifty, although he’s a bit lighter on the offensive side side compared to the Kurgat Mk12. They both cost the same, so if you prefer a more offensive Engineer, you could always decide to drop the Medchanoid and insert the Kurgat in the list. Whatever you fancy! 😉

That’s the beauty of Infinity; your list is your toolbox, and you decide what goes in, and what you’re going to do with it. And against popular opinion, you can hammer with a screwdriver. 😉

Thijs "Scorch" van Tienen

Infinity enthusiast and longtime cyberpunk fan. Also enjoys some good quality tea and Thai food. Runs Data Sphere together with Arachas.

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11 Responses

  1. Melkhior says:

    Great work, but, I found 2 errors in the article.

    1. Maakrep has only Sixth Sence L1
    2. Deflector from TinBot works for all same models in fireteam and Unidrons cannot be linked right now.

    • Scorch says:

      Oh, right.. I play Odas too much.. SSL2 is almost a standard combination in my typing. XD will fix it.
      I thought tin bots were area of effect. Haven’t used them yet. Will have to look it up.

      Thanks for the feedback!

  2. Archon says:

    List #3: Remotes

    I think they lack a hacker, wich is (you mentioned it in the intro yourself) essential for a drone-army 😉

  3. Splod says:

    Note that as the Unidron have G: Autotool, the requirement to take a hacker is waived if you have a model with G: Mnemonica in your list.

    Great article! Although I’m waiting with baited breath for the EI/Ur sectorial 😀

  1. October 3, 2015

    […] Here is an overview of the Combined Army Starter Box […]

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