Starting with… Combined Army

List #1: The Combined Army

The Combined Army is an expensive army. Don’t worry, I don’t mean money, but points! 😉 Many units are elite, have some special rules or are equipped with amazing things. And you pay for it. This makes toying with the Starter Set a bit difficult, as there are only so many options to fit in a 200 point list next to it.

This list gives you a feel of the full range of the Combined Army and we take a look at the Angry Monkeys and the Dirty Frogs.

  • Umbra Legates (Spitfire)
  • Maakrep Trackers (Sniper)
  • Fraacta Drop Unit (Combi Rifle)
  • Unidron Batroids (Plasma Carbine)
  • Unidron Batroids (Plasma Carbine)
  • Unidron Batroids (Plasma Carbine)
  • Gwailos (Boarding Shotgun/Hacker)
  • Kurgat Assault Engineer (MK12)
  • Imetron

200p/3,5 SWC

The Gwailos is a bit of an odd-duck in the Shasvastii army as it lacks the characteristic Camouflage for their units. But don’t you worry! 😉 It’s well worth the points due to its Nanoscreen, granting it constant cover, even if you put it out in the open. He also takes the EI Assault Hacking device, which has some extra programs running to inflict damage to your opponents. The Boarding Shotgun is a good close quarter weapon in N3, and a +6 on every roll within 8 inch is terrifying on BS 13, almost making it an autohit. The Shasvastii rule allows the model to spawn an embryo when it’s killed. While the embryo is still on the table, it won’t count as a point loss. Your opponent needs to destroy the embryo first, before it counts as a kill point. It will also keep you from going into retreat.

Not that retreat will really matter on the Kurgat! His Morat rule allows him to ignore all effects from Loss of Lieutenant and Retreat. This guy will fight to the death, whatever his changes are. Angry monkeys indeed. The Kurgat is an Assault Engineer, which means he has the Engineer skill (good for those Unidrons, as he can repair them) and comes equipped with some damaging weapons. The MK12 is a high damage weapon. The Kurgat also comes with mines and D-Charges. A bit of a Jack-of-all-Trades, and it can preform many roles in this list, either as a Unidron ‘doctor’, or a good board-controller that can dash out some damage as well!

The Imetron is a pretty unique unit that allows the Evolved Intelligence to attend the battlefield by means of a AI beacon. This beacon doesn’t do much, but gives you an extra order. That’s a very good thing to have for an expensive army like the Combined Army. This allows this list to get at 9 orders, at 200 point level. That extra order gives you more mobility, more options to do stuff with, and can mean the difference between victory and death.

These beacons drop in, same like the Fraacta. They can scatter. If you’re lucky they scatter in your

Thijs "Scorch" van Tienen

Infinity enthusiast and longtime cyberpunk fan. Also enjoys some good quality tea and Thai food. Runs Data Sphere together with Arachas.

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11 Responses

  1. Melkhior says:

    Great work, but, I found 2 errors in the article.

    1. Maakrep has only Sixth Sence L1
    2. Deflector from TinBot works for all same models in fireteam and Unidrons cannot be linked right now.

    • Scorch says:

      Oh, right.. I play Odas too much.. SSL2 is almost a standard combination in my typing. XD will fix it.
      I thought tin bots were area of effect. Haven’t used them yet. Will have to look it up.

      Thanks for the feedback!

  2. Archon says:

    List #3: Remotes

    I think they lack a hacker, wich is (you mentioned it in the intro yourself) essential for a drone-army 😉

  3. Splod says:

    Note that as the Unidron have G: Autotool, the requirement to take a hacker is waived if you have a model with G: Mnemonica in your list.

    Great article! Although I’m waiting with baited breath for the EI/Ur sectorial 😀

  1. October 3, 2015

    […] Here is an overview of the Combined Army Starter Box […]

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