Starting with… Combined Army

Today we take a look at the awesome new starter of the Combined Army. This Start Set introduced entirely new units to the game, never seen before! This makes the Starter worthy of a look into for all those who decided to start playing for the onslaught of the Combined Army.
The starter set comes with the following units:
- Unidron Batroid (Plasma Carbine)
- Unidron Batroid (Plasma Carbine)
- Unidron Batroid (Plasma Carbine)
- Fraacta Drop Unit (Combi Rifle)
- Maakrep Trackers Unit (Sniper Rifle, even though the box says the unit carries an HMG)
- Umbra Legates (no load-out specified)
This starter comes in between the143 and 147 points and between the 1.5 or 3SWC, depending on the Umbra Loadout. This puts the starter on the expensive side, but still well within boundaries to work with!

The Combined Army Starter
Let’s take a look at the new units! First off, the Umbra Legates. This unit is a real beast, with amazing movement, and a good Close Combat value: CC of 21 together with MA Lv4 + Kinematica L1 is nothing to scoff at. He’ll autohit any enemy, and his MA level allows him to add an extra die to his rolls. Brrr, a real close combat beast. Although his defence is a bit weaker, only ARM1 and 1 Wound, his No Wound Incapacitation will make sure he’s left standing after a hit, and the Mimetism makes him harder to hit.
The Maakrep and Fraacta are actually Tohaa units, that are collaborating with the Combined Army, fighting their former brothers. The Fraacta has the Transmutation skill, which allows them to change between a Normal profile and a Survival Profile. The survival profile makes them slower and less mobile (MOV and PH values go down) and boosts their survivability (ARM and BTS going up).
The Fraacta Drop Unit is a typical Jump Trooper, that you can drop in on the battlefield, behind enemy lines or in the flank. Her transmutation makes her more survivable, and the normal profile makes her more mobile. Nanopulser and Combi Rifle, so while she’s a threat, she’s not a very big one.
The Maakrep on the other hands is a typical MSV2 + Sniper loadout, allowing you to pull some smoke shenanigans. The sniper misses out on the Transmutation skill, but is still a fighter and can form a real threat for your enemy. His Sixth Sense Lv1
and the MSV2 protect the unit from sneaking up on him, and his automedikit makes him really survivable as it allows him to get up after going unconsious. Great for board control, to lock down some fire lanes if you put him in a good spot.
The Unidrons are Remotes, so in order to field this starter straight out of the box you’ll need a hacker in your list. Both the Fraacta and Umbra are able to be the hacker, although you might want to use the Umbra for a more offensive roll.
They carry the new Plasma Carbine; a shotgun like weapon with the Plasma Ammunition. These are fearsome units, and their Dogged Stated makes allows you to let them run around even after getting their strength values to zero. Or, since it’s optional, you can let the Unidron break down and repair him with a trooper with the Engineer skill. The AutoTool makes them fit for G:Mnemonica tactics. This means the Lieutenant can ‘jump’ to their cube or consciousness when he’s killed so he’ll still lead the battle after that.
A fearsome box, well worth the points. Let’s look at what we can do with it! You know the drill. 3 lists of 200 points without regard of ITS. Learning the basics with 200 points list. After that one 300 point list that is fit for competitive ITS play, and the N3 Rulebook missions!
Great work, but, I found 2 errors in the article.
1. Maakrep has only Sixth Sence L1
2. Deflector from TinBot works for all same models in fireteam and Unidrons cannot be linked right now.
Oh, right.. I play Odas too much.. SSL2 is almost a standard combination in my typing. XD will fix it.
I thought tin bots were area of effect. Haven’t used them yet. Will have to look it up.
Thanks for the feedback!
List #3: Remotes
I think they lack a hacker, wich is (you mentioned it in the intro yourself) essential for a drone-army 😉
I think that Gwailo is hacker in that list and Scorch forgot to write it in the list.
Yep, what Melkhior said. The Gwailos is the hacker. I’ll add it 😛 Let’s hope ArmyV is up quick! Then I can just copy paste my lists instead of typing them all out myself! Errors tend to slip in. xD
Just use Aleph Toolbox v3….
I use Mayanet personally. 😛 I’m currently in the beta-test. Never been a fan of Aleph Toolbox, myself. Found it very difficult to use.
But it might be a good idea to throw it in. Will see if I can use it for the next episodes.
I used it as soon as it was able to generate Sectorial lists. You can see it in my works 🙂
Yeah, your lists looked much better indeed. 😉
Note that as the Unidron have G: Autotool, the requirement to take a hacker is waived if you have a model with G: Mnemonica in your list.
Great article! Although I’m waiting with baited breath for the EI/Ur sectorial 😀