Starting With Ariadna

List #4: Let’s hit the ITS!

The last list is a 300 point list which could be used in an ITS tournament. It contains specialists who are able to grab objectives.

This list has 19 models and creates 17 orders, which is quite good for 300 points.  13 camo markers will definitely give your opponent something to think about, but it may also confuse you. I suggest to write the name of the unit on the bottom side of each camo marker. Ok, the larger camo markers of the antipodes don’t leave much room for speculation. But still, they need to be discovered!

Apart from keeping your opponent guessing, camo markers also have the advantage that you opponent needs to use orders to discover your troopers before they can be attacked.

The tactical ideas behind this list are the same as with the first and the second list: Keep the enemy guessing with many camo markers, have many troopers deployed in the middle of the board or beyond, sneak around and deliver surprise shots. In short, the Ariadnan way of war.

Miniature wise, this list is an expansion of the previous ones. You will obviously need a few more models.

  • Line Kazak (rifle)
  • Line Kazak (Rifle)
  • Line Kazak (Rifle)
  • Line Kazak (AP HMG)
  • Antipode Pack (Controller)
  • Antipode
  • Antipode
  • SAS (Chain Rifle + Assault Pistol)
  • Uxia McNeill Covert Action
  • Isobel McGregor (T2 Rifle)
  • Chasseur Minelayer
  • Chasseur Minelayer
  • Foxtrot Ranger (Sniper)
  • Foxtrot Ranger (Rifle)
  • Tankhunter (AP HMG)
  • Tankhunter (Autocannon)
  • Caledonian Volunteer (Chain + Light Shotgun)


Line Kazaks 

Nothing new here. The lieutenant is hiding amongst the other three Line Kazaks. You will probably not get much use out of your special lieutenant order, but the enemy will have a harder time getting to your lieutenant hiding in your deployment zone with 3 decoy doubles.

Antipode Pack

The antipodes are the only irregular troopers in this list. The handler is just like a line kazak, but comes with a handy smoke grenade launcher for just a point more. Some players are afraid of antipodes, so use this to your advantage. Apart from attacking in close combat, they can also be used to claim objectives in some missions and above all, reveal enemy camo troopers with their sensor skill.

SAS with chain rifle, grenades and assault pistol

This SAS is probably not as effective as he used to be in N2. Sneaking around with this weapon load out may be a bit harder than with a boarding shotgun, but you will find ways to get use of this slightly cheaper SAS trooper.

Uxia Mcneill covert action

Uxia is also an SAS member. The covert action variation allows her to grab objectives as a specialist troop or blow them up with d-charges. This is why she is in this list. As a superior infiltrator, she can deploy close to objectives. Handle her with great care, because once she has blown her cover, she is very fragile. Make her first action count. Don’t do anything that will reveal her until it has the maximum effect. She can be of use without even firing a shot this way.

Another option of using her is by keeping her for the last model to be deployed when you have the initiative and deploy her near expensive enemy troopers. Blast away at the beginning of the game, exchanging a lower cost model for a higher cost model or killing lots and thus depriving your opponent of orders.

Isobel McGregor with T2 Rifle

The defensive hacking device makes her our second specialist. With the T2 Rifle and ARM 2 she is reasonably equipped to join the fight. E-Maulers and hacking allow her to be useful in the defense of your own deployment zone. If the mission demands it she may have to go out and claim objectives if Uxia is not enough.


Chasseurs minelayer

That is four camo tokens to be deployed at the start of the game! As said before, chasseurs are awesome. The only problem is that the relevant model is not sold separately. You can proxy it with a similarly armed trooper.

Foxtrot Ranger sniper

The reason I am not using the cateran instead is that the foxtrot can camouflage again and, above all, is a regular trooper. With the weapon ranges of N3, it is unlikely that she will ever get to deploy her mines. Most of the time, you wouldn’t even want to make use of the infiltration skill.

Foxtrot Ranger with Rifle

Basically the cheap version of a chasseur. Without the flame thrower and the sixth sense.

Unfortunately, there is no model for this trooper. You can use any other model which is lightly armoured and carries a rifle.

TankHunter with AP HMG

TankHunter with autocannon

Some people like to bring expensive TAGs to the table at 300 points. Teach them the error of their ways with these two badasses. If you highly suspect that your opponent will have a TAG or something equally heavy, hold back the TankHunter with the autocannon and deploy him last with good opportunities to blow up that TAG. These two troopers work very well in a team. If the surprise shot of the autocannon is not enough to kill the TAG, the AP HMG will finish the job. The HMG is good against an enemy which has multiple shots even in ARO. The autocannon can be used in ARO in cases of emergency, even if that means revealing the tankhunter.

Caledonian Volunteer with chain rifle and light shotgun

This model sees a lot of battles in my games. The chainrifle volunteer is simply the cheapest trooper Ariadna can field. With a shotgun and a chainrifle, he is well equipped for guarding duties.

Thijs "Scorch" van Tienen

Infinity enthusiast and longtime cyberpunk fan. Also enjoys some good quality tea and Thai food. Runs Data Sphere together with Arachas.

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4 Responses

  1. Rainshine says:

    Good article! Though, I didn’t see a mention of our very powerful Traktor Muls 😛

    To make my case for them, for 25 pts you not only get another Specialist(a Dozer Engineer), but the Katyusha/Uragan MRL is extraordinarily powerful for only 11/18 pts. It’s an extra order, burst 3(even in ARO), unhackable guided rocket. Most lists I use have at least 3 FO in the army to secure ITS objectives, so it’s a pretty easy matter to Forward Observe a target, like an enemy link team, then bombard it with 3 auto-hitting DA templates placed next to eachother. For an extra 7 pts you can turn all 3 auto-hitting shots to land on the same target with AP ammo.

    Can’t really be beat, points wise, I include one or the other in most of my lists!

  2. NERF HERDER says:

    this list is 6 points over.. according to infinity army 5..

  3. NERF HERDER says:

    the last list in the article that is

  1. October 3, 2015

    […] Here is an overview to the Ariadna Starter Box […]

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