Starting With Ariadna

List #3: Death from Above

This list also aims to confuse the enemy, but not so much with camo tokens. It uses paratroopers instead to keep your opponent guessing. You will also notice that I really like heavy machine guns. I think they have lost only little of their deadliness from last edition.

Always choose to go first with this list if you win the initiative roll. If not, do not forget to take off 2 of your opponent’s order and hide your lieutenant well. This list is a bit dangerous. If it fails and you want to try it again, replace one of the commandos with the boarding shotgun with another chausseur or an SAS with chain rifle.

This list also only uses 10 models, four of them are included in the starter box.

  • Para Commando (HMG)
  • Para Commando (Rifle)
  • Para Commando (Boarding Shotgun)
  • Para Commando (Boarding Shotgun)
  • Chasseur Minelayer
  • Line Kazak (Rifle)
  • Line Kazak (Rifle)
  • Line Kazak (Rifle)
  • Line Kazak (AP HMG)
  • Tank Hunter (HMG)

Para Commandos

It is not easy to walk on the battlefield with safety. I suggest you use a coordinated order to get the commandos on the table when you feel the time has come. If you have to face enemy fire after arrival, you may even want to use another order to get them into safety.

You could use the SAS and the Spetsnaz to proxy the para commandos with shotguns. 

Chausseur Minelayer

The same applies as in the last list.

Line Kazaks Rifle

The lieutenant is hiding amongst the other two Line Kazaks.

Line Kazak AP HMG

Tankhunter HMG

Did I mention I like machine guns? Three in a 200 pts list is quite a bit.

Thijs "Scorch" van Tienen

Infinity enthusiast and longtime cyberpunk fan. Also enjoys some good quality tea and Thai food. Runs Data Sphere together with Arachas.

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4 Responses

  1. Rainshine says:

    Good article! Though, I didn’t see a mention of our very powerful Traktor Muls 😛

    To make my case for them, for 25 pts you not only get another Specialist(a Dozer Engineer), but the Katyusha/Uragan MRL is extraordinarily powerful for only 11/18 pts. It’s an extra order, burst 3(even in ARO), unhackable guided rocket. Most lists I use have at least 3 FO in the army to secure ITS objectives, so it’s a pretty easy matter to Forward Observe a target, like an enemy link team, then bombard it with 3 auto-hitting DA templates placed next to eachother. For an extra 7 pts you can turn all 3 auto-hitting shots to land on the same target with AP ammo.

    Can’t really be beat, points wise, I include one or the other in most of my lists!

  2. NERF HERDER says:

    this list is 6 points over.. according to infinity army 5..

  3. NERF HERDER says:

    the last list in the article that is

  1. October 3, 2015

    […] Here is an overview to the Ariadna Starter Box […]

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