The Start of the WarCors Program

‘We know you’ve waited for so long, but the Warcors program finally begins! Now is the time to show us that you have what it takes to lead your local Infinity community!’ – Corvus Belli WarCors email
What is the WarCors Program?
The WarCors Program was announced during GenCon 2013, and it was going to be the promotion campaign of Infinity the Game done by players in the local communities.
The announcement came with this sum up of the tasks of a WarCor, which was shown during the seminar.
Join the Infinity Warcors, run at least one Infinity event every month and:
- Get special discounts on Tournament Packs
- Access the Warcors secret subforum
- Use your Warcor Points to get special discounts on our online store
- Buy Warcors exclusive products in our online store
People were able to sign up for a mailing list a few days later and they would receive upcoming information of the WarCors Program. But then it got quiet…
We hadn’t heard any new information on the WarCors Program until FicZone 2014, where Carlos spoke of issues they encountered with the Apps for the Program. That sounded promising. They also showed concept art for a WarCors miniature.
Yesterday the people that were in the mailing list received an awesome email with information about the WarCors Program! It was launched!
What are the WarCors?
The tasks of a WarCors are already mentioned above. The WarCors are a select group of players and enthusiasts who are also involved in their local communities. They will spend time organizing tournaments and events for their local community to attract more players for Infinity the Game and to promote the game in their local scene.
By doing so, each WarCor can gain WarCor Points (WP).
In return for the WarCor’s efforts Corvus Belli will grant the WarCors special discounts on promotional products to spend their WP on.
Do you want to become a WarCors?
Yes, you read that right! Dear Uncle Belli wants YOU, and has given you the opportunity to become one of the first WarCors!
You will need to fill in this application form! Corvus Belli will check your application and if they think you’re up for the task, you’ll become on of the first 100 WarCors of Corvus Belli!
Please note that Corvus Belli will only accept 100 applicants during this first run. Those 100 are not the first 100 applications in, but the 100 applications they like the most by their criteria.
If you’re not one of the first 100, don’t panic! 😉 There will be more opportunities in the future! Keep in mind that this first run is probably just the beta run, to iron out all the errors and kinks before Corvus Belli will deliver the WarCors program to the masses.
Want to know more?
If you have any more questions: go to the forum and ask them to Koni, who’s working hard to answer all your questions!
If you still want to sign up for the newsletter, you can do so here!
That is 100 applicants will be part of the first group of WarCors, not that they will only accept 100 applications….
We’re on it.
Fixed! Thanks for the feedback! 😉
the link to the warcor application sends us to the warcor login page.?? are you still looking for warcors????