September Preview #4: Aleph Dactyl

Aleph and especially the Assault Sub Section gets a much welcomed and cheap specialist option in the form of the Dactyl. She’s a Dogged Engineer or Doctor with ADHL or Flammenspeer load-out. She also carries D-charges and something called Nimbus Grenades, and it is still unclear what those will be.

The sculpt shows a strong woman with a great and natural pose. Even though I personally prefer the Vedic side of Aleph, no doubt this sculpt will become mine soon!

Another thing; she comes in at 23 points, which is cheap for ALEPH standards, and she’s low on SWC. Don’t be surprised to see this lady on the table as she looks to be an auto-include for her cost and what she brings to the table.

dactyl profile

Dactyl profiles

Rumours are that we’ll see another Assault Sub Section character soon, allowing the Dactyls to link. Until then, enjoy the Dactyl lady!

Thijs "Scorch" van Tienen

Infinity enthusiast and longtime cyberpunk fan. Also enjoys some good quality tea and Thai food. Runs Data Sphere together with Arachas.

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9 Responses

  1. Dozer says:

    That sure does look awesome. I really like the scuplt – I now needs me some Aleph.

    • Scorch says:

      Haha, yep. She’ll actually be the first Greek model I’ll be buying. Have been dedicated to the Vedic side of Aleph.. but this model.. yeah, she makes me want to add her to my Aleph vanilla forces!

  2. tom says:

    THX for your blog mate! It’s a pitty you don’t get more comments, yours is by far my fave unofficial infinity site. Please keep up your great work!

    • Scorch says:

      Thank you! ^^ Happy to be appreciated! Most of the activity is over on the forums (Data Sphere and Official) but I am certainly hoping to see some more revenue on this blog too! I am glad you like it!

      Spread the word!

  3. drunkbobnopants says:

    Great looking mini. Definitely will be getting it.

  4. VisOne says:

    I guess I’m the only one who doesn’t like the sculpt. It really doesn’t fit with the Assault Sub Section at all. The bare arms a little armour on the upper body much better suits the Vedic side of Aleph.

    • Scorch says:

      Maybe that’s why many like it so much. 😉

    • Darek_CTR says:

      No, you’re not the only one. I also dislike the model but for different reasons. The torso and the boobs in particular look terrible. I often wonder if the sculptors have ever seen a live woman upclose?

  5. ewok40k says:

    engineer, one thing that was seriously lacking in SP
    and with ADHL/d-charges combo she is as dangerous as combat troop!

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