May Preview – PanOceania Bagh-Mari

Thanks to Corvus Belli, Data Sphere has their hands on a new preview for you all! 😉 We present you the Bagh-Mari!


The Bagh Mari on top of a roof

“Sarvada Shaktishali” (Ever Powerful). Hindi motto of the Jungle Warfare Unit. 

The Bagh-Mari were clans of tiger killers who wandered the India of old, offering to slay any troublesome felines for coin. Nowadays, the name has been adopted by a particular PanOceanian special unit with a focus on jungle warfare. Bagh-Mari troopers are well-equipped, seasoned combatants. Based on Acontecimento, the Bagh-Mari regiment undergoes instruction in the heart of the Great Arboreal Reserve, and is one of the staunchest advocates for this massive forest expanse. Much like their ancient, tiger-slaying namesakes, they have made a home and an ally out of the jungle. Their environmental skillset makes them uniquely suited for combat on the surface of Paradiso, where they have earned quite the fearsome reputation by dint of their signature Covert Reconnaissance and Destruction operations. The regiment received the Bagh-Mari designation during the NeoColonial Wars, after the remarkable success of the Madhava Operation whereby they managed to rout a major airborne offensive mounted by Yu Jing Tiger Soldiers. The Bagh-Mari regiment prefers to choose its members from amongst the Hindu population of Peshawit city and the vicinity of the Great Reserve. Veterans from other Acontecimento regiments are also routinely transferred to the Bagh-Mari, but a point is made to maintain the corps’s Hindu idiosyncrasy and their heritage as predator hunters in the depths of the jungle.

The Bagh-Maris are the MI option of the Acontecimento Shock Army. They come with a wide array of weaponry; from Combi Rifles+Light Shotguns, to HMGs, Multi Snipers and a Boarding Shotgun + D-Charges profile. Among the profiles are an Assault Hacker, a Number 2, a Paramedic and a Minelayer. Within their sectorial, the Bagh-Maris are available for Core and Haris linkteams.
Don’t forget kids, these jungle veterans have access to their own character; Stephan Rao.


The Bagh-Mari with Lt Stephan Rao

On top of that, the Bagh-Maris come with Multi Spectral Visors Lv1, Mimetism and are able to cross about every type of terrain found on the lush and hot jungle planet of Acontecimento.

The Bagh-Maris are solid jungle fighters and they are another great release from Corvus Belli. Compared to the Bolts, the Bagh Maris sculpts offer a much broader range of poses. The Hacker and Sniper are both crouching, while the Combi Rifle and Boarding Shotgun stand menacing.

The picture at the top also shows some new products from our friends Customeeple! We hope to see those soon in their shops!

Thijs "Scorch" van Tienen

Infinity enthusiast and longtime cyberpunk fan. Also enjoys some good quality tea and Thai food. Runs Data Sphere together with Arachas.

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4 Responses

  1. Vonkrolok says:

    Not just Customeeple… I could tell those windows apart among thousands 😉

    • Thijs "Scorch" van Tienen says:

      Yes, but the MAS buildings aren’t new! 😉 They were some of the first Infinity themed MDF terrain available on the market.

  2. John Tenzer says:

    I hope that Corvus Belli drops that 2 bodytypes-per-box-approach. It’d ealt with alright with the girls, but with the men it just looks boring.
    I like the hacker from the pack, though!

  3. el_presidente says:

    Liking the guy with the open mask a lot!

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