May Preview #3: Santiago Knights

MiniWargaming just released the third May release! The Santiago Knights boxed set. Two models have been released for quite some time, so they got repackaged with two new models. This way you can easily fill out a full linkteam in Military Orders with Jean d’Arc.
Those models are awesome!
Not only the boxed set is cool, it looks like Customeeple created a scenery item just for the knights! We’re not sure yet, since the photos only showed parts of the building, but it looks to be a church or chapel! Amazing! This could be the first scenery showing the Infinity world’s religions! We’re looking forward to the release of the building!
Update: And the building is released! It is a beautiful church by Customeeple! The building is amazingly detailed and has a lot of great assets like colourful windows, prayer benches and two stories for maximum playability! That would make an amazing center piece, even if you don’t own any Military Order units!
We’re quietly hoping to see a mosque for the upcoming Caliphate and perhaps a Buddhist temple for the Huang Di’s Shaolin Monks as well in the future!