June Preview #3: Yan Huo Invincible

June saw the release of another Yan Huo, this time the Hyper-Rapid Magnetic Cannon. The Yan Huo are one of those Heavy Infantry that really show why Yu Jing is the Heavy Infantry army. The Yan Huo carries TAG-weaponry, but can exploit all the benefits from a Heavy Infantry (like Fairy Dust and the unmodified dodges). How the model manages to stay upright is a miracle, considering his shoulder mounted cannon.
Another great model with an amazing pose. They might not be the most dynamic, but the subtle and detailed stances are great as well, and actually show just as much character in my mind.
I do hope these won’t become linkable in their own sectorial though… These kind of guns linked, combined with that amount of bonuses, on these statlines, might become a bit too unwieldy.
I don’t think that a link team would be all that common, if they were allowed in the Invincible Army sectorial in the first place. Yan Huo are each 2SWC, so you’d only see them in ITS at 400pts. And even then I don’t think they’d be common, because you’d only have 2SWC for all your supporting troops. Take a Daofei (assault) hacker and a Shang Ji hacker, you have 1SWC left for the rest of your support.
Well yes.
Unless they get their “Raktorak”-like unit in the sectorial.