Japanese Sectorial Army

Japanese Sectorial Army
The Japanese are one of the biggest ethnic minorities within Yu Jing society. Although Yu Jing is the whole of Asia, the Chinese never really forgave the Japanese for what had happened during the Second World War. Because of their common history, the annexation of Japan by China was seen as one of the great successes. The successes of Japan in the following years only put fuel to the fire but even after China transformed into Yu Jing the prejudices remained. Before that, Japan was an economic super-power. But after the collapse of the old economical powers on Earth Japan was set to sink with them. The fact that the Chinese came to help them out, has always been a stain on the honour of Japan. The choice for annexation was an unpopular one by a large group of the Japanese citizens.
To this day, a large percentage of Japanese reject total assimilation and hold on to a patriotic sentiment, promoting it to the rest of the Japanese citizens. Because of this passive protest, the Yu Jing government has always considered the Japanese citizens as a political threat within the Imperial System. The Yu Jing reaction has been for a strong and forceful attempt for assimilation and this policy has only caused a more stubborn attitude by the Japanese. Instead of solving the situation it has escalated it.
Because of their strong-willed and rebellious attitude the Japanese are degraded to second class citizens within Yu Jing society. The attitude of Yu Jing government towards the Japanese has given fruit to some right-wing opposition groups, using the works of Yukio Mishima as their inspiration.
Mishima was a 20th century writer who was very critical of the loss of Japanese culture in favor of foreign values. Following his inspiration, some of the opposition groups called for civil insurrection, in order to preserve the Japanese values. One of these groups was the terrorist organisation Tatenokai, the Shield Society, which was formed by young nationalists who had dedicated themselves to the Samurai code of Bushido.
The Tatenokai are responsible for multiple terrorist attacks, causing many victims and a backlash against them by the citizens of Yu Jing.More and more Yu Jing citizens started to distrust the Japanese, their fears increasing with every attack of the Tatenokai.
In response, the Yu Jing government forbade the use of Japanese language, festivities and customs in public and removed citizenship from the Japanese and even forced them to pay an extra tax.
This policy became apparent in the State Empire Army as well, causing Japanese soldiers to be used as cannon fodder. Still the Japanese forces are trustworthy soldiers, who’ve shown time and time again they have courage and strive to prove their loyalty.
This attitude of the State Empire Army has lead to the organisation of the Kempeitai, a group similar to the Tatenokai, but whose main goal is to disrupt the Yu Jing Army, keeping their attacks within the military system without killing civilians.
In recent years, Japanese society has stabilized and the Japanese citizens have found their place in Yu Jing society working hard to earn the respect of the rest of society. More and more citizens have earned back their rights of citizenship in Yu Jing, granting them back their rights. Japanese technology is also a great asset for the rest of Yu Jing, and they have gained a larger and larger foothold in Yu Jing economics as well.
Still, the Tatenokai disrupts this developing peace with terrorist acts and State media are reporting the possibility that the Tatenokai are sponsored by the Hexahedron, PanOceania’s Intelligence, in order to disrupt Yu Jing society from within. The methods of the Tatenokai have developed over the years, so they can accomplish their goals without the use of indiscriminate violence. It is up to the Japanese themselves whether they adhere to the Yu Jing State Empire, or if they give in the the call of the Tatenokai. Only if all the Japanese will hold on to the ideals of the State Empire will they be left in peace by the government and be accepted as full citizens of Yu Jing.
In the Japanese Sectorial Army, the philosophy of Bushido, the way of the warrior, is mixed with modern technology of the Japanese robotics facilities. Bushido teaches warriors the way of the samurai, letting them fight with honour, dignity, bravery and without fear of death. To be prepared for death before failing is to be ready to fight till the very end.
To become a master in Bushido one needs more than physical training and discipline. One also has to have a deep sense of duty and honour. Only when a soldier has accepted death can he become part of the Samurai regiments of Yu Jing. The samurai regiments form the elite of the Japanese Sectorial Army, being samurai in spirit, but not in origin. Their personal katanas are used frequently in combat, although they have many modern weaponry and combine the best military technology with the old traditions
The Japanese Army
Japanese society is highly hierarchical. While all the Japanese citizens in Yu Jing are second class, those within Japanese society that are in the lowest layers are even more degraded as citizens. In Yu Jing society, for those that are at the bottom, there is only one way out; enlisting in the State Empire Army.
Yu Jing government is conscious of its citizens cultural backgrounds, and if they uphold themselves to the ideals of Yu Jing, they are allowed to honour their ethnic roots. The State Army is a reflection of this mix of ethnic groups. While most of the regiments are of mixed origins some of the regiments uphold their regional character, letting them become an semi-autonomous army in the process. They even are allowed to use their own language. This policy has proven to be a great success, allowing the Yu Jing citizens to be guarded and protected by their ‘own’ people.
Of course, when such an army is forced to work closely with the overarching State Army, they are forbidden to use their own language and cultural customs, to avoid any confusion in the heat of battle.
The biggest regional army in Yu Jing is the Japanese Sectorial Army. The JSA is a reflection of the cultural identity of the Japanese people, fighting with their own methods and combat style and keeping true to their own values of honour, duty, and the importance of an aggressive attitude providing a subconscious motivation for all the soldiers within the JSA.
The JSA is mainly an assault force, specialising in close combat and all their troops have great mobility and speed. The soldiers are also backed up by some of the most advanced technology and robotica in the Human Sphere, allowing them to push the fight to the enemy.
It is an elitist force, only allowing those from good families into the higher ranks, and those that come from elsewhere into lower ranks. This ideology is derived from the Japanese society itself, where social pride and class are a major influence on your own social status.
One of the most frequent rumours about the JSA is the existence of Ninja clans. These units would act as black ops forces for the State, eliminating any political threat to the system. Those rumours have always been denied by the State Empire, as they see ninjas as an archaic memory of the past.
The might, loyalty and courage of the JSA is unquestioned and proven by their multiple victories and deeds in Yu Jing service.
JSA Forces
Keisotsu Butai 軽卒部隊
The Butai regiments are used by the State Empire Army as the frontline forces in the heat of the action. Those regiments consist entirely from Nipponese soldiers, looking for a way to honour their family name. Keisotsu means ‘Excellent Soldier’, and that’s how the Keisotsu see themselves. Since the regiments operate mostly in frontline attacks, the survivability of the Keisotsu Butai is chillingly low from the last reports of Yu Jing analysts.
While the Keisotsu are used as cannon fodder for the State Empire army, the danger has an upside for the soldiers; social improvement for those that prove their courage and their worth on the battlefield
Domaru Butai 胴丸部隊

Two Domaru escort a Kempeitai soldier
The Domaru are the modern-day Bushis, also called Samurai. They inherit their status through family or through military prowess.
A Bushi is the lowest noble rank, and there is no equivalent in Yu Jing society. The Domaru have high esteem in the State Empire Army, as they are either trained from a young age to uphold the family honour, or are the most skilled and lucky Keisotsu Butai veterans in the regiments. Seeing the casualty rate of the Keisotsu regiment, becoming a veteran is considered an unique accomplishment.
The Domaru follow a strict honour code known as Bushido, the Way of the Warrior, to the letter. Their scars on their arms prove this. A Domaru will never put his sword back in its sheet without letting it taste blood. The military salute forces the Domaru to pull their weapons, so they’ll need to let it cut themselves before they resheet it.
For the Domaru death is always preferable to a unworthy life, since the Samurai Way resides in death. They will put their lives on the line if they can deliver the perfect blow!
Aragoto Senkenbutai 荒事先見部隊

Aragoto and Asuka Kisaragi
Drafted from Nipponese biker gangs, the Aragoto are streetwise speed-junkies and the army is often their only way to advance. They are the JSA’s intervention force and are often used as the spearhead in an attack. Their motorbikes are valuable assets to the army, and the Aragoto are often the first to contact the enemy.
Their bikes are customized, air-force propulsion motors built into a chassis suitable for the street-racing circuit. The bikes are designed for all-terrain purposes and are often customized to the likings of the Aragoto, who all are trained mechanics.
The Aragoto derive their name from Kabuki theater and it translates to ‘rude performance’, where the actor uses extravagant movements to portray a courageous and fearless warrior. The red bikes of the Aragoto represent strength, vitality and valor and those roaring machines makes the regiment uphold to their namesakes.
To be an Aragoto means getting into a fight with your bike blazing and adrenaline flowing.
Oniwaban お庭番衆

Oniwaban means ‘gardener’ and the names is derived from the special body guards of the Japanese emperors of old. The Oniwaban were the leaders of the ninja clans, and carried out the Shogun’s commands.
Now, used by the State Empire, the Oniwaban are experienced and skilled warriors with a band of ninjas at their command. They are the leaders of their ninja clan and the Oniwaban personally take care of the most complex tasks, coordinating their subordinates in the process.
Of course, the existence of the Oniwaban, or the ninja clans, are only memories of the past and the State Empire has no such unit under their command. Even the most alert citizen must trust the State Empire on this, as there is no way the Oniwaban fit in the modern society of Yu Jing.
Great article ! I loved it !
Gives a bit more insight into a fantastic army that JSA is. Being a new Infinity player it’s kind of hard to play as it’s CC focused, but losing a game in the sake of slicing opponents troops in half with your katana is surely worth the price.
Waiting for some more articles like this one ! Keep up the good work ! 🙂
They are coming! At Haqqislam sectorials now! Should reach Tohaa near december! I am glad you enjoyed it! 🙂 Nothing wrong with Samurais of the future!