How to start with the Caledonian Highlander Army

List #2: This is the real deal

This list has been written by someone who has a lot of experience with Caledonians and knows how to put a good list together. I have faced this kind of list several times and know that it can be nasty. The sheer number of werewolves is frightening. The list again has 10 models. The number of models is a bit deceiving, as you also get the extra impetuous orders. This list, for example, gives you a total of 15 orders. The downside of this list is that you don’t have any heavy weapons which can provide suppressive fire.

2 Galwegians with chain rifles

Cheap order providers. They do not only provide orders, but also provide smoke.

1 William Wallace Lieutenant

William Wallace is vital in this list as he makes the caterans, galwegians and cameroinians regular. Try to keep him safe. He could link up with the Galwegians to form a fireteam.

2 Cameronians

1 McMurrough

The main players in this list. McMurrough is a bit more expensive, but he fights even harder than the cameronians. The idea is to throw smoke and let the werewolves jump into enemy territory, where they tear everybody to pieces.

2 Cateran Snipers T2

Try to find an LOF through all that smoke. T2 is pretty good ammo when fighting TAGS, knights or if the enemy has good doctors. Good thing Willie makes them regular.

1 SAS with chain rifle and assault pistol (CRAP)

Your basic sneaker. A bit cheaper and also more difficult to use than the one from the last list.

1 112

I doubt that the emergency service will be able to keep up with your main fighters. Keep him close to Wallace so you can heal your leader. Since Wallace has a cube, it should be a pretty certain lifesaving operation if you kept a command token for this case of emergency.

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