
The Haqqislam nation was formed out of the religious doctrine that resulted from a combination of Islamic modernism and NeoMuslim culture. Founded by Farhad Khadivar at the end of the 21st century and it caused a philosophical and theological revision of Islam, adapting the religion to modern time. Haqqislam proclaims humanism and the quest for knowledge as its basis, with influences from Sufi thinkers as the core of its doctrine. Haqqislam decries the use of Hadith and the Sunnah, seeing the tradition as unnecessary dogma.
This way Haqqislam successfully recovered the scientific-artistic heritage of Islam’s Golden Age, making the Haqqislamic movement the biggest muslim doctrine and a relevant power in the Sphere
The Birth of the New Islam
The Haqqislam movement was founded by Farhad Khadivar. While a lot is known about his ideology, the man himself is somewhat of a mystery. What is known about Khadivar is that he presented himself not as a prophet, but as a messenger as he didn’t want to be seen as a cult leader. This is in tune with the Haqqislamic doctrine, which states that the message is far more important than the messenger.
Khadivar’s mijalis al-hikma, or Wisdom Sessions, often reveal a bit of his personality. Khadivar offered hope to the umma, the Muslim community. He had a strong presence and charisma that made his message credible.
The Qur’an is still the core of the Haqqislam movement because what would Islam be without its precious Qur’an? Khadivar felt the Muslims were held back by the tyranny of religious leaders, and he saw them as gripped with ignorance. The pride of being a Muslim should come from a rational basis, not a fanatic one. For this reason, Khadivar threw away all the traditions (hadith), habits and customs (Sunnah), and previously made agreements (ijma) as they were all established by the religious leaders, who held the umma back. From then on, only the Qur’an and the Quest for Knowledge would be the core of Haqqislam.
Khadivar wanted to lift the Islamic culture back to the splendour, progression and civilization that it was during the Golden Age of Islam, when the Islamic region of Al-Andalus had more books in one library than the entirety of Europe owned in theirs. The power of the great Caliphs, the architectural and paradisical beauty of Al-Andalusian gardens and mosques and the precious libraries of Baghdad. Islam would again become the rich, prosperous and powerful force of old and Khadivar dreamed of this modern and spiritually rich community.
Khadivar saw the volumes of hadith as incompatible with the values of the humanistic principles in the Qur’an. Without democratic and humanistic reform Islam would forever be abused by tyrants and corrupt clergymen in the name of religion. To do so he had to break with the fear, theological oppression, ignorance and economic poverty that wrecked the muslim world at during his time.
Khadivar made sure his work and theological doctrine would be easily accessible to the general public. He wanted to make sure every Muslim would have no problem assimilating the Haqqislamic principles into his everyday life.
His untimely death, at the age of 42, at the hands of hired terrorist would turn Farhad Khadivar into a martyr for the Haqqislam cause.
Rise of Haqqislam
The Haqqislamite movement came at a crucial time. In the wake of sectarian rivalry that reached its peak during the second half of the 21st century, and with the re-awakening of Sufism, this movement achieved great things and advanced the Islamic society. They debated with other schools of thoughts and became a fierce adversary of imams and traditional Islamic scholars. They had no other option if they wanted to win the favor of all Muslims.
It was during this time that the Haqqislamic movement gave birth to two schools of thoughts; the Haqqmut’azilites, who focused on the rational conception of Muslim doctrine, and the Philosophers, influenced by Sufism, who focussed on a more metaphysical method. Both ways distanced themselves from the traditions of the Imams.
The intellectual side of the Haqqislam movement was as powerful as the theological side, and many thinkers, economists, writers and publicists joined the movement, which allowed for a great number of Muslims from a variety of social layers to come into contact with each other.
Khadivar had contacted many wealthy families during his life, and convinced many of them to support the Haqqislam movement. After the great Energy Crises of the 21st century, many saw the Haqqislam movement as a good option for a prosperous future. It also liberated them from the fanatical religious powers.
The biggest herald of Haqqislam was by far the media mogul Hamid al Din Al-Hamdani. He organized a large media campaign and got control over the media in the Muslim world. This publicity, and the fact that Al-Hamdani was a public figure who flashed the Haqqislam message everywhere he could, made sure that the Haqqislam principles found their way into everyday life. Politicians, tycoons, Shaiks, together with millions of others started to follow the Haqqislam way. Publicity was the way to the hearts and minds of the Muslims, and at the end of Al-Hamdini’s life Haqqislam had become an economic-religious power.
Al-Isra, the Heavenly Ascent
Even though the Haqqislam movement had a large support, they were still under constant attack by the followers of traditional Islam. Persecution under traditional law and even the more democratic Muslim countries distrusted the Haqqislamic due to its rise to power, sowing distrust among their citizens.
Within the movement voices pleaded for the creation of their own country, but their wasn’t any place for them on Earth. To found their own nation, the Haqqislamites would have to look to the stars.
The story goes that in the Al Alqsa Mosque in Jerusalem there is a rock from where the Prophet Muhammad had risen up to heaven, and to this day his footprints can be seen in this rock.
Sufi Astronomers recreated the positions of the stars in the sky over Jerusalem on the night this ascension happened and they determined the location of a quadrant in space that was over the Mosque on that night. They would start to look there for a new world for the Haqqislam movement.
Together with NASA, which was in need of funds after the collapse of the American economy, the Haqqislamites started to work on a space-project. The contribution of Haqqislam scientist and the economic funds of the wealthy Haqqislamite followers made it possible to start exploring space.
After several attempts one of the probes found a habitable world suitable for colonization. The system would become known as Bourak, after the heavenly horse that carried to Prophet to the heavens.
The fact that the Prophet Muhammed guided the Haqqislam movement to this planet gave a boost to the credibility and was considered proof legitimacy of the Haqqislam movement.
The chosen planet was not the promised paradise as its orbit was closer to its sun than Earth, making the average temperature on the planet high and due to the location of the seas only the tropical and equatorial zones were habitable. Life wasn’t going to be easy on Bourak, but the planet looked similar to the home countries of the Haqqislamite people back on Earth. To make colonization feasible the Haqqislam movement started to focus on terraforming and environmental engineering, making the nation an expert in these areas of science.
Today, Bourak is fragmented in different sections, controlled by different semi-autonomous organisations. Each organisation has its own military force, although they all act together as the panHaqqislamic Sword of Allah.
The semi-autonomous regions of Bourak were established by the Haqqislamite government on Bourak, as they found powerful forces at work in certain regions that had influence on politics. In order to keep the government focussed on the principles of humanism and the philosophical goals of the Haqqislam faith they choose not to be seduced by the more secular and mundane interests of the social powers in every region.
This decision caused Bourak the fragment into different regions; the Funduq Sultanate led by the Silk lords, the biohealth corporations and medical-pharmaceutical industries and laboratories of the Al-Medinat Caliphate, the Silk production centers hidden in the Iran Zhat Al Amat Shahnate, guarded by the sinister Hassassin Society and the Gabqar Khanate, controlled by the Kirguiz mafias.
The government divided and conquered to preserve the Haqqislamite society. Allowing them some freedom and autonomy the government stirred the intrigue by introducing some competition between these factions. This prevented any of the factions from becoming too strong, as they would fight each other in order to gain governmental influence. Due to the fact that each faction will try to make the others weaker, the government would always be on the top. This also reflects in the Haqqislam military which, although all subject to their own regions, will always be under control of the High Command of Haqqislam.
The Medicine of the Prophet
Islamic tradition states that Prophet Muhammed once said that Medicine was the salvation of the body, were as theology was the salvation of the soul. This caused the Islamic culture to focus on the development of medicine since the seventh century, as it was considered as important as the Word of Allah.
Khadivar saw in Medicine the way to regain the Islamic splendour of old and at his request large sums of money were spent on the development of technomedical investigation.
After the initial colonization, Haqqislamites quickly set up hospitals to tend to the needs of their citizens. In these hard times, when Bourak was colonized without any support of a state, a lot of new techniques, methods and patents were investigated to fund the expensive colonization.
One of the most well-known patents that was discovered during this time was the synthetical and valuable Silk, a substance that would revolutionize society and would make Haqqislam a great power
in the Human Sphere.
Today, most of the R&D in Medicine and Pharmacy is in the hands of the Al-Medinate Caliphate. The city of Medina became the Medicine-capital in the Human Sphere and its doctors are pioneers in the development of genetic therapies, advanced systems of healing, diagnosis and treatment. The planet of Bourak attracts a lot of health tourism, which became one of Haqqislam greatests incomes.
The Silk Must Flow
Since Bourak is arid and lacks natural resources the Haqqislamite nation focussed on a different kind of income to sustain their numbers; commerce and trade. It is an essential element of Haqqislam culture and it makes the Haqqislamite skillful traders and negotiators. Even their markets forces them to bargain constantly. Buying and selling follow a ritual process of negotiation.
Not long after the initial colonization phase of Bourak the Haqqislam fleet needed to find a different source of income. Thanks to their expert eyes for new business opportunity the fleet quickly found itself in the low-cost space transport. Their cheap and slow transport quickly competed against the more expensive and luxurious fleets of PanOceania and Yu Jing.
Soon Haqqislam build their caravansaries; big orbiting spaceport-like cities or astroidal colonies built by Nomad subcontractors. The Sultanate was established shortly afterwards to control all these assets.
The only resource of real importance found on Bourak is the rare and valuable Silk; a synthetical substance that is a mandatory ingredient for the Cube-technology in the Human Sphere. The entire Resurrection system depend on the flow of Silk out of Bourak. This monopoly quickly turned Haqqislam in a wealthy and powerful nation with extended influence through all of the Human Sphere.
Silk, together with the Medical, Pharmacy and Bio-investigation of Al-Medinat, became the main export product of Haqqislam, allowing them to compete in the highest regions of power.
Cool writeup. Nice to see the background getting good articles as well as the gaming!
The fiction is as important as the tactics in my opinion 😉 Most of my armies are chosen purely out of fiction and aesthetics.