I would like to recommend my favourite military sci fi novel:
On Silver Wings by Evan Currie
http://www.amazon.com/Silver-Wings-Warr ... lver+wings
Its a great book about a kick ass soldier who has to help a planet invaded by a alien invasion. its the first time humans meet aliens and they are seriously outgunned with superior tech and resource. Its very close to the kind of tech you find in Infinity and its a great read.
But the very best about it is that there is 2 more books and another on the way of March 2013 and every book is BETTER than the previous one.
In the second book you finally get to see the alien side of things and its awesome.
Book 2
http://www.amazon.com/Valkyrie-Rising-W ... m_kstore_1
And book 3
http://www.amazon.com/Valkyrie-Burning- ... m_kstore_1
I totally guaranty that any Infinity fan will love them. And the author is a great guy and very friendly over facebook.
Hayden Huah!