chromedog wrote:Missed that entirely. but zombies as a genre bore me. Ever since they started to run and generally not do the mindless shambolic legions thing. Oh and when they dropped the satire part of mall zombies.
I've not even played the FIRST res evil game - the last computer game I played with zombies in it was Wolfenstein 3D.
While i do understand your point and also lament the move away from slow zombies (here's a defense of them by Simon Pegg, in case you haven't read it, i totally agree), i still believe L4D is worth it. The intro is basically the game in extremely high res and with better camera angles (and as we say, "pay attention to the intro and you'll live longer" ). The first time i played it and arrived at the safe house, i realized i was breathing hard from pure adrenaline and fear. No game had done that to me in many years, if ever. And since the game is about 5 or 6 years old and was never that demanding of hardware, most computers with barely adequate graphic cards these days should be able to run it. Also it's a blast in multiplayer.