Hello everybody, I'm a new player from Rome, Italy. Well, actually I still have to play my first match, since I'm still reading N3 Rule Book, so I really don't know if I can define myself a player yet ^^''.
I've been playing with WH40K for many years and, a couple of weeks ago, a friend of mine first talked me about this game and I was really intrigued by it: scifi setting, very cool background, not too many models to handle (and to buy...), detailed yet comprehensible rules, beautiful miniatures...I couldn't believe there was a game having all these things. I started lurking on the Internet, read some forums, then buyed my CoreBook+Rule Book and...well, here I am. I still have to decide which faction I'm gonna start with (Aleph, Nomads and PanO are the ones I like most, expecially Aleph since I'm a big fan of Achilles and the heroes of the Iliad), but whatever my road will be, I hope to enjoy it and to do it with you ^^.