by C-Dub » January 5th, 2015, 4:57 am
by Scorch » January 5th, 2015, 8:49 am
by Lupus » January 6th, 2015, 1:29 pm
by Lampyridae » January 6th, 2015, 2:11 pm
by Pierzasty » January 6th, 2015, 3:41 pm
by Harlekin » January 6th, 2015, 6:10 pm
Pierzasty wrote:I'm reserving my final verdict for after I see the HS/CP rules translation PDF and the full army list, but for now:
I was very wary of the streamlining = dumbing down, but it seems we've avoided this effect. Most rules have been cleaned up, I love the weapon trait keyword system, hacking and other specialists are now actually useful, and it looks like someone actually paid attention to what was broken in the last edition, went through the whole thing and fixed the flaws.
That's not to say N3 is flawless. Dispersion manages to be even dumber than in N2, RAW silhouettes are still based on models' bases for some reason (Basegate WTF), the release timing was a bit of a CF, and forcing the continued separation of rulebooks is plain ridiculous. Still, I was cautiously optimistic before N3's release and I remain so now, waiting for the non-existent PDFs.
by Scorch » January 6th, 2015, 6:18 pm
Harlekin wrote:
Same here.
My first feedback is: Up to now, the rules are really good. Though it looks like we'll still need another huge-ish FAQ. Most of the rules changes are really nice. I'm not too fond of the really great increase in CC effectiveness but the rules work.
All in all, I just love N3 and the players I know share this feeling.
by Pierzasty » January 6th, 2015, 6:41 pm
by macfergusson » January 6th, 2015, 6:45 pm
Pierzasty wrote:And one more thing: I'd like to know why this thread is presented as USA vs the rest of the world. I wasn't aware we were competing.
by Mistake Not » January 6th, 2015, 7:27 pm
by Pierzasty » January 6th, 2015, 8:18 pm
Mistake Not wrote:I mean it's not like we're so culturally/linguistically seperate that we'd read the rules differently.. right?
by Section9 » January 6th, 2015, 10:30 pm
Pierzasty wrote:And one more thing: I'd like to know why this thread is presented as USA vs the rest of the world. I wasn't aware we were competing.
by Harlekin » January 7th, 2015, 1:12 am
Scorch wrote:What is it you don't like about the effectiveness of CC? It seems to be a consensus among 2nd-players CC was unrealistically ineffective in the previous edition. And from what I've heard it still is the less favorable option unless you have CC specialist.
by Scorch » January 7th, 2015, 2:18 am
by Claudius Sol » January 7th, 2015, 3:29 pm
by IJW Wartrader » January 7th, 2015, 8:03 pm
by Claudius Sol » January 7th, 2015, 11:25 pm
by Harlekin » January 8th, 2015, 12:18 am
Scorch wrote: CC in real life is lethal as hell, especially when the person that wields the weapon knows where to stick the pointy end. Causing rapid blood loss, deep wounds and shock amazingly fast.
by H1ghlander » January 8th, 2015, 3:34 am
by Section9 » January 8th, 2015, 7:02 am
Harlekin wrote:Scorch wrote: CC in real life is lethal as hell, especially when the person that wields the weapon knows where to stick the pointy end. Causing rapid blood loss, deep wounds and shock amazingly fast.
"In real life" CC is total crap compared to lethalness of handguns - and how easy those are to use. As being "lucky" (not a tiny bit) with the experience of being stabbed once, I can tell you, that CC is anything but lethal. But it hurts.
I know, there are people who get shot. But in general the trauma caused by bullets is far worse to those of hand-to-hand combat. Swords are quite ok, but even with about 15 years of active Martial Arts training, I would bet a single Euro on my sorry ass, when I face a fat soldier armed with a pistol 2 meters away.
In modern warfare, CC makes absolutely no sense at all except for very very special cases.
When it comes to GITS and modern SciFi movies on the other hand... well, there has to be some Kung Fu action in it, hasn't it?
by Mob of Blondes » January 8th, 2015, 7:41 am
by Lampyridae » January 8th, 2015, 10:02 am
Section9 wrote:Harlekin wrote:Scorch wrote: CC in real life is lethal as hell, especially when the person that wields the weapon knows where to stick the pointy end. Causing rapid blood loss, deep wounds and shock amazingly fast.
"In real life" CC is total crap compared to lethalness of handguns - and how easy those are to use. As being "lucky" (not a tiny bit) with the experience of being stabbed once, I can tell you, that CC is anything but lethal. But it hurts.
I know, there are people who get shot. But in general the trauma caused by bullets is far worse to those of hand-to-hand combat. Swords are quite ok, but even with about 15 years of active Martial Arts training, I would bet a single Euro on my sorry ass, when I face a fat soldier armed with a pistol 2 meters away.
Your instructors must not be assisting the police with their "7-meter rule" training. Any live person with a sharp object is a deadly threat to an individual with a holstered firearm if the person with the blade is within 21 feet (~7m). As in, can close in, attack, and kill or severely injure the officer before the officer draws his weapon. No fancy shoulder rolls or anything to stay out of the line of fire. A straight-in charge. Even my fat, out of shape, and broken-backed butt can close fast enough to apply a 3" blade knife to any one of several immediately life-threatening points on a body. And honestly, I'd probably try to hit 2 or 3 of them, then take the gun and really go to town.
And I've never had formal military CQB training.In modern warfare, CC makes absolutely no sense at all except for very very special cases.
Did you not hear about the time the Brits fixed bayonets and CHARGED a mob of Afghans in ~2003 or 04? No, not in 1903 or 04, sometime THIS CENTURY, with those stubby L85 rifles (and only two men of each fireteam actually with bayonets!)When it comes to GITS and modern SciFi movies on the other hand... well, there has to be some Kung Fu action in it, hasn't it?
Looks good and is rather indicative of what happens when in close quarters. There is a reason that the various militaries still train in bayonet drills, and special ops types train even more in close-quarters work.
by Section9 » January 9th, 2015, 2:16 am
Mob of Blondes wrote:Section9, in Infinity one assumes the soldiers have the main gun or pistol ready.
Anything goes in a "life or death".
CC can be lethal in real world, not long ago local news covered some deaths, and all involved were knifes and sticks; sometimes the killer it's the stupidest of the injuries. In a game, based around video games and movies, a bit of extra "flash" is not so bad. Movies could also learn to pick the flashy parts of reality too and drop the nonsense.
by Mistake Not » January 9th, 2015, 2:39 am
by macfergusson » January 9th, 2015, 2:50 am
Mistake Not wrote:Having now had some discussions about N3.. I can say with confidence that I want an FAQ already.
Especially when it comes to Stealth. HI shouldn't be able to sneak through hacking zones because they're sneaky.
Also why are Hackers no longer Repeaters? Have they gotten stingy with their 'nets? I liked the innate hacker synergy..
by Harlekin » January 9th, 2015, 3:03 am
by Mistake Not » January 9th, 2015, 3:08 am
by Mob of Blondes » January 9th, 2015, 4:16 am
by Lampyridae » January 9th, 2015, 1:00 pm
Section9 wrote:Mob of Blondes wrote:Section9, in Infinity one assumes the soldiers have the main gun or pistol ready.
Yeah, and every single nation's special ops troops train extensively in close combat techniques.
Because even a silenced pistol can be too loud, sometimes.
Frack, I know of a Navy SEAL whose favorite weapon was the straight razor.Damn sneaky SOB. Reminds me, I need to drop a note to a friend of mine, make sure he's still among the living after ~10 years as a SEAL.
Anything goes in a "life or death".
Yeah. Know what the biggest killer in WW1 actually was, as far as causing wounds resulting in death goes? Not Gas, not artillery, not machineguns. The freaking shovel.CC can be lethal in real world, not long ago local news covered some deaths, and all involved were knifes and sticks; sometimes the killer it's the stupidest of the injuries. In a game, based around video games and movies, a bit of extra "flash" is not so bad. Movies could also learn to pick the flashy parts of reality too and drop the nonsense.
I dunno, I kinda like that movies show stupid crap that tends to break wrists. I just wish the damn gangbangers learned how to hit the target they want, not that poor girl 3 blocks to the left of the guys getting "shot at"
by Lampyridae » January 9th, 2015, 1:03 pm
Mistake Not wrote:The hacker NOTSHARING thing isn't unclear, just very very strange.
Stealth.. well. You can sneak up on someone who can't see you but hacking works without seeing. Stealth doesn't work on deployables except repeaters because it's the hacker who can't 'see' them coming but that's not how computer screens work, you can't just move in a way that makes you less of a blip. So basically how does not-needing-LoS Hacking interact with if-no-LoS-Stealth?
Some say this is clear, hacking and repeaters are nullified by Stealth. I say hacking doesn't mention it at all neither do repeaters, which makes it seem to me like an oversight. Sure it's clear, in the usual Infinity way of 'probably..' but that FAQ had better come quick.