Hi guys, I briefly dabbled in infinity around 2 years ago but had only grasped the very basics before moving to a new area. With Operation Icestorm I've rebooted and am looking forward to getting into INFINITY again.
I have some nooby questions from trying out my first operation Icestorm games last night. (we sort of skipped a few steps and tried to play the mission 3 forces, so we had 3 basics, a lieutenant and a specialist (Spektr and Akalis) we used the OI stats which I noticed give everyone a basic Combi rifle and ignore some special rules.
How oversimplified is OI?
As I read it so far, your first short action can only be a discover or move.
I get that a move shoot is essentially one combined action, but is a shoot+dodge possible? Say if you are being ARO'd by two opponents, could you shoot 1 and dodge the other and not move? (I understand you could split your fire but just for the purpose of this question) or Shoot + Shoot for that matter?
We read the Dodge rule as: if you make a dodge PH test you ignore a whole BS attack. which I've since read is wrong and it's simply a single dice in a normal opposed roll. So I really can't see the benefit over just shooting back, as shooting results can cancel each other out too as well as the potential to wound or kill shot. Am I missing something?
Why stand in sight of your opponent?
If you can move up to 2" from fully behind a wall, up to the corner to "peak out" and back again, whilst you fire from cover and they ARO at you in cover, why would you ever not do that? It denies the opponent the chance to shoot you in their turn?
Cheers for any pointers guys, I can't wait until 3rd edition is released so I can actually read the rules properly and not try to piece together a half written starter set rules and an older edition.