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FrostGrave: DnD meets Mordheim

PostPosted: August 25th, 2015, 12:58 am
by VisOne

Placeholder for now more to come later.

But is anyone else playing FrostGrave?

Re: FrostGrave: DnD meets Mordheim

PostPosted: August 25th, 2015, 3:09 am
by Pierzasty
It looked interesting, but then I saw the rules and went mehhhhh. Infinity has spoiled me.

Re: FrostGrave: DnD meets Mordheim

PostPosted: August 25th, 2015, 6:22 am
by Prophet_of_Doom
Some of my friends are interested, I haven t played yet. Haven t even read the rules.

I think it is not fair to say that Infinity is just better based on a brief look at the rules. Frostgrave is obviously a completely different setting and flavour. I would like to play so that my WHFB minis get something to do. Mordheim is fun, but I guess it is time for some more modern rules.

Would you mind sharing a rules overview?

Re: FrostGrave: DnD meets Mordheim

PostPosted: August 25th, 2015, 7:37 am
by VisOne
Rules are garbage really they are its very lose. Its underdeveloped and has a team of 1 .... the developer thats it.


Its more like the N1 really and its just fun its a unashamedly beer and pretzels game using D20 and simply stats. I'll go into more a little later.

Re: FrostGrave: DnD meets Mordheim

PostPosted: October 30th, 2015, 5:55 pm
A small group of players a getting into this game. Sounds like a good Beer & Pretzel miniature game.
I like the fact that I only have to buy the book. We will be using miniatures from other fantasy games.
In my case I will by using vintage 1990s Ral Partha models painted by my wife.

Re: FrostGrave: DnD meets Mordheim

PostPosted: October 30th, 2015, 6:39 pm
by Pierzasty
Yeah, it's good as an excuse to paint random old fantasy minis lying around XD

Re: FrostGrave: DnD meets Mordheim

PostPosted: October 30th, 2015, 10:23 pm
Pierzasty wrote:Yeah, it's good as an excuse to paint random old fantasy minis lying around XD

Or give some table time to neglected minis :

From the depths of the Red Desert the Mage Nazir Ibn Hamid Ibn Hajjad and his apprentice Mogamba have heard rumors of the mysterious Frostgrave. The old wizard, carried by an eunuch, decides to form a band to investigate this strange place rumored to be filled with arcane treasures. He hires 3 body guards (2 thugs and 1 men-at-arms). Halfway into the journey they meet a man (thief) and his panther (war hound). He becomes their guide to the costal city of Vienza. Nazir soon discovers that his map of the region is outdated after asking for directions. Truco, a treasure hunter, and his two companions (thief + crossbow woman) offers his services as guide. The next day Nazir’s warband start the last leg of the journey to Frostgrave.

My 500 gold piece warband with its Wizard :

(Change of plans from yesterday. I will be using models from my Helldorado and Freebooters collections. They don’t get enough play time. The apprentice Mogamba is a D&D mini that I will be rebasing. Received my book today!)

Re: FrostGrave: DnD meets Mordheim

PostPosted: November 2nd, 2015, 2:28 pm
by VisOne
I've had 2 games thus far both super fun.

My main opponent unfortunately broke his finger which has put our little fun campaign on hold! My other local mate is still painting his force up it's beautiful as usual.

My first force is a mix of GW and the offical Soldiers Figures. The Wight King is my Necromancer Wizard and the Necromancer is his Apprentice.

Read of their hilarious and terrible exploits on my blog over on Lead Adventure Forums.


Reasonably happy with the Wizard cause Armour I can paint Armour! The Apprentice is getting replaced as soon as I find something not terrible like this model to replace him.


Wraith is giving me the ######s as well. But happy with the Ice Demon and Vampire Lord is coming along ok.




Middle Archer is the only close to finished block colours model and you can see why I'm getting hung up on this cloth business. :(


Fantasy minis are hard to paint in comparison to hard Sci Fi I have found these are my first anyway allot more work to be done then snow effects to go on as well.

Thanks for reading.

Re: FrostGrave: DnD meets Mordheim

PostPosted: November 30th, 2015, 8:56 pm
Played my first game. It was fun but the differential damage calculation with the d20 VS armour is sometimes very deadly. Not sure how I feel about that.

Re: FrostGrave: DnD meets Mordheim

PostPosted: December 1st, 2015, 12:16 pm
by VisOne
Double check your doing the maths right and playing RAW.

If it still feels to swingy as many have said on the other forums/facebook groups just house rule it to a way you like.

That's the best part about the game its just a core rule set not a big power ruleset with an answer and a FAQ for everything.

Re: FrostGrave: DnD meets Mordheim

PostPosted: December 1st, 2015, 1:26 pm
VisOne wrote:Double check your doing the maths right and playing RAW.

If it still feels to swingy as many have said on the other forums/facebook groups just house rule it to a way you like.

That's the best part about the game its just a core rule set not a big power ruleset with an answer and a FAQ for everything.

We are playing RAW. Its swingy. I'm waiting for the comments of a local group playing a campaign. We may indeed House rule the system.

Re: FrostGrave: DnD meets Mordheim

PostPosted: January 23rd, 2017, 9:32 am
by Section9
By the unholy powers of the darkest interwebz, I command this thread to live again!!!!



Yeah, so after binge-watching Vikings (yes, all four seasons in about a week) in December, I really wanted to get going on a fantasy or medieval game. Was leaning more towards SAGA, but cost of entry is kinda high. You need rulebook plus the dice-effect sheets, and I think you need custom dice, too.

So went with Frostgrave. One guy in the gaming group is kinda disappointed that there isn't more detail in the weapons, but everyone else seems to like it. My problem is that I don't have a lot of fantasy models left in the collection, though I do have a bunch of Anima Tactics minis I can use. I'm really tempted to use WarmaHordes models for my warband. Get a few Circle models, a few more Khadorans. And maybe some Legion models, like the reindeer cavalry.

Re: FrostGrave: DnD meets Mordheim

PostPosted: January 23rd, 2017, 10:09 am
by Errhile
My thoughts exactly. On SAGA and on Frostgrave.

The nice thing about Frostgrave is there's no pressure on using offcial models. This is not a game meant for a tournament scene - it is obviously intended to be beer-and-pretzels-gaming-for-the-fun-of-it. If I were to play it, I'd probably buy a mage & apprentice from the official range, then go for either the fantasy minis I do own, or some historical ranges. Or an eclectic mix of just, y'know, everything :P

Re: FrostGrave: DnD meets Mordheim

PostPosted: January 28th, 2017, 8:06 am
by VisOne
Section9 wrote:I'm really tempted to use WarmaHordes models for my warband.

I looked into this back when I was making lists/warbands and the Privateer Press line is just chock a block full of cool models to use. One of the good things about that range is they do both blisters and boxsets for various profiles so you might only need 2 blisters and boxset of some of the trooper like models and your set to start. Also soooooooo many sweet monster/creature models in there.

The boneswam being a stand out for me.


Anyway I've had 1 more game since I last posted thats how hard it is a sell around my neck of the woods. Its just not a solid game compared to Infinity or the other game seeing allot of board time here is This is Not a Test. But TNT has a similar issue as all campaigning based games you need people to be there to play regularly and Terrain and Painted Minis are a must in my opinion something people have serious issues around here. :roll:

Re: FrostGrave: DnD meets Mordheim

PostPosted: March 13th, 2017, 11:46 am
by Prophet_of_Doom
I have played two games of frostgrave so far and I like it. I like that it is far easier than I finity and it still works. I habe missed this D&D atmmospwhere. I like how players rather withdraw their fighters from the board instead of sacrificing them as they would do in Infinitay.