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Pulp City

PostPosted: January 30th, 2015, 1:14 pm
Anyone plays this game around here?
The Kickstarter is over. Orders are in the mail.
I got the 2E book and the set of cards.
Also received an advance PDF copy of the rulebook. Its really well made.

Re: Pulp City

PostPosted: January 30th, 2015, 9:30 pm
by solkan
The first time I read your post, I thought you had written that you already had your stuff and I was going to be all jealous. :lol:

I'm waiting impatiently for my book, cards, and starter sets to arrive. I haven't played it yet, but I look forward to trying it out with the crowd at the local game store.

Re: Pulp City

PostPosted: April 16th, 2015, 1:11 pm
by Quase
Just started to paint my first Grim...

Fun figurines, that's for sure!

Re: Pulp City

PostPosted: June 16th, 2017, 3:03 pm
So, I can confidently say that after playing a dozen of games of Pulp City that it is imho the best micro-skirmish game I have tried in the last 6 years. We have a group of 6 dedicated players.

I now have two scenery kits to play on. A stone mansion city scape and a high tech slum made from bits of MAS District 5 interior walls and other stuff I collected over the years. The mat if from Mantic's Deadzone.



For more pictures visit my album : ... City/story

For more info on the game here is a link with two youtube review of the rules and battle reports: ... l079FRfXMK