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Taban Miniatures: Eden

PostPosted: October 15th, 2014, 8:49 pm
by Morze
There was some talk in the Bushido thread about this game, so I decided to give my two cents.

Eden is a french skirmish game with 32mm scale figures. It has generally low model count per side, even for a skirmish game. Typical force has only 3-5 models, but thanks to some interesting rules interactions the game don't feel limited. For example, every model has four stats and four "limbs", to which they attach (PSI and head, Combat and Arm, Vigour and Body and Speed and Legs). Every limb has separate wound tracker and if the limb becomes wounded, the attached stat become worse. If the limb becomes incapitated, the model is dead. This brings a whole lot of more tactics and decision making in simple combat. Do I want to strike at full force at body and wound it, thus being able to hit in the future? Or do I want to modify the hit at Feet? Because Speed is important stat.

The game uses alternating activation, but a model with higher speed can steal the turn from adversary. So if I manage to lower the opponents speed, I can possibly deny its activation early in the next turn. For example, I once managed to scratch a huge alien beast in the legs. Thanks to that it becomed wounded and its speed was lowered to three, meaning every model in my force was faster, thus being able to avoid its attacks.

One other thing that differ from most skirmish games is how easy it is to disengage from combat. This is important with objective based scenarios. Speaking of scenarios, it's a whole other game by itself. Both side choose a scenario card and tries to play accordingly. Some scenarios are hidden.

In general the game is "Easy to learn, hard to master" -type and plays fast. Typical 5 round game last about an hour! Once we played a whole game, packed up and everything, and the Malifaux game next table was still on its first round!

Models are made from rather soft metal, so keep that in mind when ordering some more ambitious pieces.

Re: Taban Miniatures: Eden

PostPosted: October 17th, 2014, 8:44 pm
by Morze
N-no one?

*sigh* :suicide:

Re: Taban Miniatures: Eden

PostPosted: October 18th, 2014, 10:23 pm
by Arachas

Well, you should link to the website.

But even then the website is kind of disaster. I could not find faction overviews or anything media-ish like that. Are there ways to get to know the game a bit better?

Re: Taban Miniatures: Eden

PostPosted: October 19th, 2014, 8:28 am
by Morze
Yeah, the site is a bit clusterfuck. In fact the fluff is a bit gray area to me, as most of it is in the hardcover rulebook and I have not bothered to buy that as the rules bookoet that is found on starters and the downloads section of the game has been enough. As the rules have been translated from french, there is some unclear bits so checking the english forum can be neccessary.

Faction rundown as I have understood it:

ISC: Japanese robots, strong armour and no wounded condition can make these annoying to face if you lack punching power. Expensive, usually no more than 3 models.

Jokers: Anarchist sircus. Some shooting, fire and tricks and lots of clowns. Mostly humans, but some mutants and animals too.

Matriarchy: The dominatrix faction. Mens are strong and dumb or weak and dumb and the women handle them from the backfield. Just like real life!

Bamakas: Tribal mutants. Varies wildly in size and power, some are big brutes with lots of power, some are small and numerous with some tricks.

Convoy: Pretty standard humans, relies more on synergies than raw power. Couple of animals too.

Resistance: More technology heavy humans. Have robots that need piloting. Battery resource limit how much they can use their gadgets in full power.

Askari: Mutant hive beduins. Usually limited in numbers, but have ridiculous amount of PSI in their leaders, so they have tactical cards like candy. They can discard these to gain benefits, like free dodges.

The Hord: Mutants and animals. Numerous.

Nephilms: Aliens. Weird and powerful tricks.

Edit: put some pictures.

Re: Taban Miniatures: Eden

PostPosted: October 20th, 2014, 1:37 am
Sound like a great game.
Resistance would be my faction if I played... but I'm afraid of clowns... scary clowns even worst !
I'll go see my therapist. :lol: