We've been playing this game for a few months now. Been really enjoying it. I play Union, another guy plays Outlaws, and someone else cycles between Warrior Nation and Enlightened.
Here's some photos from a large 2 vs. 1 game that we played a week ago:
So this past Sunday, we got together for a game, and instead of doing a usual 1 vs. 1 vs. 1 game, we decided to try a 2 vs. 1 game. We had a 705 point Union army and a 710 point Enlightened army vs. a 705 point and 710 point Outlaw armies (controlled by the same player). It was Lincoln and Dr. Carpathian vs. Billy the Kid and Jesse James. It was a lot of fun, and in the end, we sent those Outlaws running.
Not going to write up a full battle report or anything, but just wanted to share some photos:
Iron Horse and Long Range gunner ready to cross the street after the stage coach clears the way.
Union and Enlightened, fighting side-by-side
Enlightened advancing on the Saloon. Notice the archer on the water tower? He was standing in for an extra Union Long Range gunner.
Speaking of the archer, he's about to shoot that hat right off Johnny Ringo
Don't wear a blue hat if you don't want the Union to take offense...
Bloodbath inside the Saloon
Wider show to show the upper balcony.
Like lambs to the slaughter, the Outlaws just kept sending more troops into the Saloon
Lincoln, Loveless, and the boys in blue, flanking the Outlaws.
A group of Outlaws waiting for Lincoln to round the corner. Things didn't end well for these Outlaws
A group of Outlaws MOOOOOOving up the table.
A groups of Outlaws following the stage coach for protection. (At a random time each round, the stage coach would move 2d5 + 10 inches.
This enlightened didn't last long...