Mistake Not wrote:I bought my first Bushido model for Bushido this past week, Ayako Ito.
Already got Sakura a while ago to be an asian-ish vampire because vampires, but now I'll have to get her again for this game.
Next on the list to get are the other Shisai and the archer samurai.. Poison 2/2 on her should be hilarious.
Well.. I'm probably still going to get owned first few games. But who cares? SNAAAAAAKES.
Kaihime Ito (the archer) is really interesting. So getting her and Satsuki could make an interesting force. Add in the Hebi Shugenja, Mizuki Ito, and you get some nasty things going on. While certainly playable, the Shisai need guardians. Check out what I said about using models to bring down more powerful models and to soften them up. The problem with so much Poison (and daaaaamn! It's a lot with those models) is that there are models who are immune to Poison who would then wade through your forces as instruments of destruction on their way to securing objectives. Kenzo Ito is still a kickass snake (Hebimiman) but is also very dangerous in melee.
You might want to also consider Naoko. I know I do now.