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Legal Disclaimer

PostPosted: January 22nd, 2013, 6:46 pm
by kidterminal
All Infinity trademarks, images and logos are the private property of Corvus Belli used with the express permission of Corvus Belli. All trademarked material is protected by copyright and licensing laws and shall never be used for profit. Any reproduction in part or in whole for purposes of profit is expressly prohibited and will be pursued to the furthest extent of the law. Any and all trademarked material must be met with the express permission of said parent company. reserves the right to report any nefarious activity to Corvus Belli of infractions of said licensing laws. All Infinity trademarks, images and logos are protected in the international licensing agreements and any and all laws that apply therein.
All names, trademarks and logos are the private property of and will not be used without the express consent of said organization. All domain and company names, logos and trademarks are protected under copyright laws and shall never be used for reproduction of any kind. Any infringement of said copyrighted material will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.