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Lost In Time - It's Not Just You

PostPosted: February 14th, 2014, 5:45 pm
by kidterminal
If you've been visiting Data Sphere for a while, you'll have noticed something odd. Posts have gone missing. If you registered before, the forum suddenly didn't recognize you.

All of this is due to the server crash from early February. We lost all data from that date, all the way back to somewhere in December.

That means that anything you did on this forum in the interlacing months (posting or even registering) has been lost to the eternal void.

We apologized for this we where on a server monitored by one person with slow back-ups. We have changed to hosting with weekly back-ups so we shouldn’t have a crash this severe again.


Data Sphere Team

Re: Lost In Time - It's Not Just You

PostPosted: February 15th, 2014, 7:25 pm
by Arachas
It's even better: we get 4 backups a day! :eek: