hi all!
i am a wargaming veteran - my first step into the hobby was in 1994/95 with the third edition of warhammer fantasy (orcs and dark elves), closely followed by necromunda (delaque and escher). in 2006, i fell in love with warmachine (factions today: cygnar, mercs and khador) and expanded to hordes (the mighty skorne and minions). however, after ten years of being a very active player in these two systems, i felt the urge to try something different. i funded several kickstarter projects for tabletop skirmishers, took some time with dystopian legions and godslayer and, with the advent of the op:is box, have started to play infinity. i've kept the PanO part of the box and added some more minis (even a TAG and some remotes) to have some choices in 250 and 300, but rather early on, i've decided to take Ariadna as my main faction.
two good friends of mine have also started to play infinity (nomads and haqqislam, we have a small, but very active community here in mainz (germany) and most factions are represented), so there will not be a lack of games in the following weeks and months.
so, here i am, looking forward to exchanging thoughts and experiences with all of you!
(i've even started a newcomer's blog over in the ariadna section - come have a look and feel free to c&c)