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Dave saying 'Hi'

PostPosted: February 11th, 2015, 2:45 pm
by splayedpaintbrush
Hi folks my name is Dave, I’m from Leyland in the north west of England.

I have been sat on the fence about Infinity off and on for a little while, but a friend of mine recently got Operation Icestorm and has persuaded me to look into this game properly, it didn't take much arm twisting :lol: . So first game will hopefully be Friday evening. I hope I enjoy it, otherwise this post was a bit premature. After reading the rules PDF I am sure I will, it looks an interesting and fluid game.
I am looking forward to painting up some minis, as a lot of them look amazing, especially the latest releases. There is a lot of choice, far too much to easily settle on a particular faction I fear ;)

With real life the way it is I struggle to find hobby time and motivation so things like the Painting Campaign interest me. Which is why I have joined these forums as I hope to take part in this season. My blog is also an attempt to keep motivated with the hobby, trouble is that there are far too many cool games and miniatures out there :blush:
Speaking of minis I just need some suitable models to arrive and then I can get started on my first foray into Infinity.

Re: Dave saying 'Hi'

PostPosted: February 11th, 2015, 7:09 pm
by Claudius Sol
Welcome! Infinity is a great game, though don't be too surprised if you don't win your first couple games. Things can get a little lop-sided. Make sure to take advantage of AROs but don't overly expose yourself, either. There's a very delicate balance.

That said, I hope to see you in that painting campaign thread! We'd love to have you there.

Re: Dave saying 'Hi'

PostPosted: February 12th, 2015, 2:09 am
by Harlekin
Hi and welcome. It's always nice to see more European players (I consider UK being part of Europe - like it or not ^^) .
I already took a look at your blog; nice paint jobs!

Happy gaming!

Re: Dave saying 'Hi'

PostPosted: February 13th, 2015, 1:12 pm
by splayedpaintbrush
I don't know how regularly I'll be able to play Infinity, so I suspect I will be losing for quite a while!

I have had a couple of models arrive in the last few days, still no cannon fodder to enter in to the painting campaign yet (fingers crossed they turn up today). But the models that have turned up look fantastic:

  • PanO Squalo TAG - awesome looking model.
  • PanO Jeanne d'Arc 2.0 - looks an interesting dynamic model (and as a holdover from WM i just assumed you needed a character to lead your force before i actually read far enough into the free pdf rules)
  • Limited Edition Bounty Hunter - I think I got lucky here. The shop I bought the rules from must have had cancelled pre-order. Yet another awesome looking model.

Thanks for taking the time to look at my blog Harlekin, I am glad you like my painting :D .
And I do consider the UK to be within Europe :)