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New London player saying hi!

PostPosted: January 20th, 2015, 12:44 pm
by Loxley
Greetings all!

Loxley here who just recently got I to the game last week when a belated Christmas present arrived in the form of Operation: Icestorm.

Anyway I hope to be able to contribute to this community as my blog: and my podcast: will with hope cover my progress and exploration through this game.

I count myself as a London based player due to working near Victoria however actually live in Hertfordshire and due to only being able to take public transport (requiring 2 hours travel each way to get to my nearest club/store) I am rarely able to actually get games in.

Nice to meet you all!

Re: New London player saying hi!

PostPosted: January 20th, 2015, 1:31 pm
by Maxvon_d
Hi, Loxley, and welcome from a fellow Londoner.

Couple of "local" clubs that might be able to provide you with a Infinity fix are:

Cross Gaming Club - Tuesdays and Thursdays, nr London Bridge
Clapham Wargamers - Thursdays, Balham Tube

Both of the above are probably pretty convenient from Victoria.

Then there are also pickup games available at the Dark Sphere shop by Lambeth North (walkable from Waterloo)

Good luck with the blog and your efforts to get Op:Ice painted/played :)

Re: New London player saying hi!

PostPosted: January 20th, 2015, 3:34 pm
by Claudius Sol
Welcome to the community and game!

I wish you the best of luck in finding a better means of playing the game. Hopefully Maxvon_d's advice proves useful.

I'm a Texan, myself, so can't help you.

EDIT: Also, I hope you'll take part in our little Painting Campaign here. With those new models, you'll have plenty of "grunt" type soldiers (the fusiliers and alguaciles) who we are painting for a chance to win some paint and patches, as well as getting more of our models painted!

You'll find the topic in the "Miniatures" sub forum.

Re: New London player saying hi!

PostPosted: January 20th, 2015, 3:45 pm
by Harlekin
Hi and welcome.
Wish you good luck with finding some regular players to enjoy the best tabletop game!