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Greetings from the Webway

PostPosted: October 3rd, 2014, 11:51 am
by Siticus the Ancient
Greetings, Data Sphere!

For a long time my main game of choice has been 40k where I play Dark Eldar and Eldar factions, but I have been growing more and more interested in Infinity. I and a couple more people from our local game store have finally decided to commit and I'm starting out with the Morat Aggression Force - someone has to play the bad guys, after all! The main draw in any game for me are the models, so the new re-imagining of the Morats really got me excited and wanted to paint them.

I look forward to showing you guys what I'm working on!

Re: Greetings from the Webway

PostPosted: October 3rd, 2014, 12:39 pm
by Harlekin
Hi and welcome. Enjoy your stay and the game.
I'm looking forward to see some of your minitatures :)

Re: Greetings from the Webway

PostPosted: October 7th, 2014, 3:54 pm
by Lampyridae
Welcome! There are many pleasures to be had in the world of Infinity... so much room for... experimentation...!

Re: Greetings from the Webway

PostPosted: October 17th, 2014, 2:28 pm
by Dozer
Ahh a former fellow Eldar player, cheers.

You'll (I hope you'll) like Infinity. Good time to come out an start up, new minis and the new N3 rules are looking better and better.