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Hi all

PostPosted: February 13th, 2017, 2:00 pm
by stonedog
Hey there

Looking at potentially joining the ranks and starting Infinity

Have a question though, i'm looking at getting a 2-player starter as it seems to be great value and a good setup... Is Operation Icestorm still worth picking up or being a few years old is it potentially a bit outdated compared to the newer box?
Or is it worth just getting on board with a single starter instead?


Re: Hi all

PostPosted: February 13th, 2017, 2:29 pm
by Pierzasty
Welcome to the game!

To answer the Icestorm question, it's mostly the issue of faction. Choose a faction you'll like the look an/or playstyle of (we can help you with the latter) and check if your starter is part of Icestorm/Red Veil or a big army box.

If you have a choice, it's better to get the 2-player box or the big army pack instead of a plain 6-model starter, because they give you either model loadouts unavailable elsewhere, or an overall discount.

As for being old, Icestorm and Red Veil are almost the same thing except with different factions.

Re: Hi all

PostPosted: February 13th, 2017, 3:28 pm
by stonedog
Great to know that Icestorm is still up to date in terms of options

Faction i'm almost completely blank on at the moment

My typical playstyle is armoured elites, i like the base troops to hold their own... I also like my snipers and "oddball" specialists

Tohaa and their triads i've read up on a bit and i'm liking the sound of them and their viral weaponry, but the basic infantry in the starter set i'm not quite sure of the sculpts on
Sculpt wise Ariadna don't particularly appeal other than the Dog Soldiers
Pan Oceania's armour looks great but i'm not loving the religious vibe
Nomads, Combined & Haqqislam all appeal on various levels

I'm pretty much a blank slate on the game having only just started reading through the "Starting with..." articles on this very site

Re: Hi all

PostPosted: February 13th, 2017, 5:26 pm
by Errhile
If you want power-armored elites, I guess you can't get much better than Yu Jing. Heavy Infantry is their forte.

Then again, PanOceania has several reputable Heavy Infantry choices, and their religious vibe is easy to avoid (unless you want to play Military Orders, of course).

Re: Hi all

PostPosted: February 14th, 2017, 11:26 am
by stonedog
Thanks guys

Have dug in to the Yu Jing and the other factions a little more and I think that's the way i'm going to have to go... plus i've been offered the Red Veil setup complete with the pre-order Operative sculpt so, yeah

Off to the Yu Jing sub forums with me to continue reading up