after becoming rather bored with warmahordes, i decided to to try Infinity. It seemed pretty nice to begin with and after a demo game i'm hooked! So i started to figure what i would like to play and gathered as much info as I could on the forums. But now I seem stuck. There are some factions that appeal to me, but I got some problems with each of them.
The good: Like most of the models ( some Kamael are a bit derpy, but nothing to bad) and the rather aggressive play style appeals to me.
The Problem: Limited amount of choices. The Question here is, would I be severely hindered by the fact that im rather predictable ( due to the lack of options)?
Yu Jing/ Imperial Service:
The good: I like most of the models and its one of the “ big” factions that covers pretty much all bases.
The Bad: Expect the Haramaki/ Domaru/ Raiden i'm not really a fan of most of the Japanese troops. I really dislike the karakuri as an example. Also due to the fact that fireteams seems to be silly strong, I wonder how viable it is to start a non sectorial army. In this case I would go for the imperial Service, which sadly lacks most of the fun infiltrating stuff. Also I guess Yu Jing its one of the more popular factions, though it seems a lot of people go for the japanese sectorial.
Combined Army / Shasvastii:
The good: Some models appeal to me ( mostly shasvastii, but the new Morat are awesome), lots of different troops and options!
The Bad: Some models are great and some are.......well....old I guess. Exrah and most Morat are the main offenders here, but also dislike the drones and charontides ( the hmg is ok). On top of that I cant seem to build a starting list that i'm happy with that includes mostly models I actually like and doenst cost me as much as starting 3 other armies. Also the Vanilla vs Sectorial Problem exists. In case of a sectorial I would go for the shasvastii, but I would lose out on a lot options and it seems rather difficult to play and also very popular ( But the models are nice! Well not the speculo or the drones...).
Well I guess im over thinking quite a bit here and the whole forum reading may have skewed my perception heavily on some things, but I would appreciate any help! Especially on the whole “ am I handicapping myself, if im not playing a sectorial?” issue.
Thanks guys!
PS: Since the game is not to popular around here, I dont want to spend to much money atm since im not sure how often I actually get to play. Thats my problem with the vanilly combined army, it just seems really expensive to start up. I guess thats due to the lack of a vanilla starter pack.
Btw i opened the same thread on the official forums