An Australian who lived in Ireland and moved to Brittany?!!?
Well i love playing skirmish wargames, role playing games and all that stuff!
So its fortunate i also play infinity. I have a small group with 3-5 others. We usually stumble through the game... Then go home devise a new mischevious lists to defeat each other and return every couple of weeks. Make up missions based on paradiso or whatever holds our interest.
I play shasvastii/combined army and only have a couple of morats but ill get into their style one day. And just started to get to grips with tohaa starter pack and/chaksa.
We have a 2 pan-oceania players and a yu-jing and aleph. the others dont even have models and 'faction hop' because they are new and undecided! *and my charontid disects their link teams
I really like painting the models and the variety of missions, rules and general theme/atmosphere to the game.
The background story of infinity reminds me of so many epic sci-fi novels. Im thinking dan simmons hyperion, various verner vinge, asimov, greg bear. Etc etc.
Looks like a good place this 'data sphere'. Good name for a forum!
Im also trying to improve my painting. I put these ones into a painting competition versus mostly 40k models the other day. I take bad photos and did not put effort into the bases these are 'table top' minis not display pieces with giant carved bases or dioramas.