KeX wrote:Ill start with this just because i like models especially Anathematics because of this model i start Infinity
Probably this is illegal or rubbish models for list but i will have fun to play with models i like for start
I will change my mind about all close combat list when i die too many times
Armored Brigade Raicho
Sogarat Tempest Regiment (HMG)
The Anathematics
Slave Drones
Óbsidon Medchanoid
Infinity allows you to play with minis you like and as long as you stay within points (cost to buy and use) limits, SWC (cost to field some speciality weapons/profiles) limits and pay attention to AVA (how many your force is actually allows to have a one time) limits then you can field ALL THE PRETTY THINGS!
List is still functional and the game still plays as intended. No perfect lists no death stars and no models you will NEVER use because the profile is terrible.
You could in games between 300 to 400 points use all of those models you have outlined. Might not be a really effective list due to high cost per model and low order count but its possible. Grabbing the Combined Army:
Starter Pack will be the main way to get your Umbra and it gives you a few other options to flesh out your list and make it a little less order starved.
Nice models there anyway and like I said it bags you an Umbra anyway.