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Source for weapons?

PostPosted: December 10th, 2014, 9:39 am
by Dylan Gould
Looking to do some Nomad conversions; does CB make weapons packs? I didn't find any in their online store, but my search-fu is not strong. Other than the SpecOps, are there other blisters that come with multiple weapons?

Re: Source for weapons?

PostPosted: December 10th, 2014, 9:42 am
by chromedog
Only the weapons blisters available as part of a tournament pack.
Which is not exactly a cost-effective way of getting them.

Re: Source for weapons?

PostPosted: December 10th, 2014, 9:46 am
by Errhile
In short - no, and don't expect them to.

Longer explaination - CB has already said (quite a few times, to be precise) that they do not intend to produce weapons packs. The SpecOp weapon sprues are as far as they decided to go in this direction.

That being said, some models come with alternative weapon option (for example, Guarda de Assalto comes with both Spitfire and MultiRifle arms, Myrmidon Officer with both Combi Rifle and Boarding Shotgun) or a weapon that does not necessarily have to be attached to the model (like standing Hafza's or Fiday's rifles).

Re: Source for weapons?

PostPosted: December 10th, 2014, 1:28 pm
by M2Cat
Never heard about these weapon packs. Are they multiple packs of random weapon or all singles for a random faction or whatever they are?
I've somehow got several spare weapons. Nomadish oldstyle Combi came in Intervenor blister. PanOceanian Sniper and Morats' Combi I possessed in bulk, so I don't even imagine where to get more.
I believe copying them for personal needs won't violate any laws.

Re: Source for weapons?

PostPosted: December 10th, 2014, 11:20 pm
by Section9
Dylan Gould wrote:Looking to do some Nomad conversions; does CB make weapons packs? I didn't find any in their online store, but my search-fu is not strong. Other than the SpecOps, are there other blisters that come with multiple weapons?

Just the Spec-Ops and a few random weapons in various blisters and boxes.

I really wish CB would re-do the mold for the weapons sprues to include ALL of a faction's weapons with a Spec-Ops, not just 3 of them.

Re: Source for weapons?

PostPosted: December 12th, 2014, 2:03 pm
by Dozer
Agreed - but it's a small gripe. It would save me on my current project. I'm ripping up Kempeitai for a Boarding Shotgun for an Aragoto conversion - me bikes need more shotgun!

Re: Source for weapons?

PostPosted: December 12th, 2014, 11:35 pm
by Section9
Dozer wrote:I'm ripping up Kempeitai for a Boarding Shotgun for an Aragoto conversion - me bikes need more shotgun!

Stick the Spitfire back on the Kempeitai and paint the cloak camo. Call it a Raiden (assuming you don't already have a Raiden Spitfire). That's what I did, back before we had any Raiden minis, so I have lots of Aragotos. 7 of them, in fact. 2 Spitfires, one standard, one boarding shottie, one converted-hacker (empty-handed so can be anything), one actual hacker, one 'Bride' (Asuka proxy, now a whatever), and Asuka.

@Dylan: Check out the "unboxing thread", where we have pics of what is supposed to be in each of the blisters/boxes. Try the Morlocks box, the Spec-Ops blister, and Riot Grrlz box for the possibility of extra arm/weapon sets. There may be a few loose rifles lurking around in the oldest minis.

Re: Source for weapons?

PostPosted: December 13th, 2014, 12:15 am
by Mob of Blondes
The Morlocks have no extra arms.

Re: Source for weapons?

PostPosted: December 13th, 2014, 8:07 am
by Section9
Mob of Blondes wrote:The Morlocks have no extra arms.


and I don't have any extra weapons for Nomads to trade. I'm sitting pretty happy for Ariadna and Yu Jing, but no spare Nomad weapons...

Now, I think you can swap arms/weapons between a few models. I'm planning on a few swaps. Hellcat shottie + Prowler ADHL -> Hellcat ADHL + Prowler shottie, for example. But I'm kinda at a loss for anything else (to be honest, my interests for Nomad models are very limited, I'm doing a Zero Gee collection for a boarding party. Hellcats, Tomcats, Geckos, Intruders, Prowlers and Wildcats. The Moiras don't really fit in with the rest of concept, IMO. And that's it. Though I admit to trying to have one of every profile since I have old Intruders and Hellcats.)

Re: Source for weapons?

PostPosted: December 14th, 2014, 1:22 am
by Mob of Blondes
I was using the "box contents" pictures made by customers as reference (what? list box contents in the box? too complicated). So... if you got one with extra arms... you should post that photo... and then everyone that kept the complain code can ask for them! :toot:

Re: Source for weapons?

PostPosted: December 14th, 2014, 8:50 am
by H1ghlander
Especially because there is a bit of 'too many profiles' syndrome (i.e, more profiles than models), it would be nice to make additional arms/weapon packs standard practice for packs/blisters (this is one thing that GW actually did right, IMO). For example, the new HMG Spetsnaz will surely see play, so it would've been nice to get a pair of HMG arms in the blister. That way the amount of converting that is required is lessened, but also providers extra bits and weapons that can be potentially used for other conversions…