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Infinity Novella!

PostPosted: October 23rd, 2016, 7:19 am
by musashi363
Since I don't have many chances to actually play the game, I get my Infinity fix by writing stories. Here is a novella called Daughters of Kali! It's available in PDF, Word.Doc and online! I hope you like it!

Since I can't figure out how to attach a file, If you want the PDF or Word.doc, just message me with your email address and i'll send it to you.
:pano: :pano: :pano: :pano: :pano: :pano: :pano: :pano:

Re: Infinity Novella!

PostPosted: October 24th, 2016, 1:24 am
by musashi363
The website has been updated to make it easier to read.