Second Specialist Boxes
Posted: September 22nd, 2016, 4:16 pm
So we're never going to go back to the days where you can get basic Line Infantry in a two man blister. This sucks the big one but c'est la vie. However, a thought occurred to me while looking at the new Zhanshi Special Weapons Box. Why don't they put out a second special weapons box? One that contains maybe a basic rifle guy, and three of the more generic profiles like Paramedic or FO. Nothing too different about those, just a bag and a target designator on one, and a medic gun on the other, but something to help flesh out certain units. It could also offer a way to get basic or popular profiles without having to get doubles of other ones you don't want. I'm thinking of it in the manner of the current Govads box or the Bagh Mari. Just tossing the thought out there.