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Second Specialist Boxes

PostPosted: September 22nd, 2016, 4:16 pm
by ARCangel
So we're never going to go back to the days where you can get basic Line Infantry in a two man blister. This sucks the big one but c'est la vie. However, a thought occurred to me while looking at the new Zhanshi Special Weapons Box. Why don't they put out a second special weapons box? One that contains maybe a basic rifle guy, and three of the more generic profiles like Paramedic or FO. Nothing too different about those, just a bag and a target designator on one, and a medic gun on the other, but something to help flesh out certain units. It could also offer a way to get basic or popular profiles without having to get doubles of other ones you don't want. I'm thinking of it in the manner of the current Govads box or the Bagh Mari. Just tossing the thought out there.

Re: Second Specialist Boxes

PostPosted: September 22nd, 2016, 4:50 pm
by Errhile
That'd be another major philoshy change for CB - so far, profiles like FO or Paramedic weren't getting models. Like, never-ever. They still don't.

And two-model blisters of basic infantry riflemen are gone for quite a while already...

Re: Second Specialist Boxes

PostPosted: September 22nd, 2016, 5:27 pm
by ARCangel
I was bringing up the two man blisters because that's a topic I see sometimes in discussion about models included. Its recently flared up in spots because of the new Bakunin and ASA boxes. I know it'd be a change in philosophy, I'm just floating an idea of how to potentially get more of certain popular models, without doubling up on less popular models, without having to go through a middle man like Shae. No offense to the split-box service of course.

Re: Second Specialist Boxes

PostPosted: September 23rd, 2016, 1:46 pm
by Prophet_of_Doom
I wish they could do add-on sprues, but CB stated this is also not an option. I like to see on the model what it is. It is a bit annoying when people have to remember which of the 3 possible models in a link team is the paramedic.

Re: Second Specialist Boxes

PostPosted: September 23rd, 2016, 6:15 pm
by Mob of Blondes
Prophet_of_Doom wrote:I wish they could do add-on sprues, but CB stated this is also not an option.

Not an option? But tiny antennas (packaging work) & tacticrap (material use) are? Maybe it should be worded as not a business choice. Which, if you think about it, applies to many more things. They could make single part miniatures now and then (like they did), cheaper, wider market, not impossible to have nice poses... but don't.

I like to see on the model what it is. It is a bit annoying when people have to remember which of the 3 possible models in a link team is the paramedic.
Sticky note, upside down (so it sticks to the base, not the table). ;)

Re: Second Specialist Boxes

PostPosted: September 23rd, 2016, 8:59 pm
by Errhile
Prophet_of_Doom wrote:I wish they could do add-on sprues, but CB stated this is also not an option. I like to see on the model what it is. It is a bit annoying when people have to remember which of the 3 possible models in a link team is the paramedic.

Oh, I like that, too. Especially given in my QK it is more often a Doc - yet they are merely starting to include dedicated Doc figures in the newer boxes.
Well, I did with adjusted paintjob and maybe a few extra bits form another manufacturer. But primarily the paintjob.

Re: Second Specialist Boxes

PostPosted: September 23rd, 2016, 10:10 pm
by Section9
Prophet_of_Doom wrote:I wish they could do add-on sprues, but CB stated this is also not an option. I like to see on the model what it is. It is a bit annoying when people have to remember which of the 3 possible models in a link team is the paramedic.

Paint them with different hair colors, then write down "Pink hair is the medic, blue hair and green hair are FOs." Or whatever.

Re: Second Specialist Boxes

PostPosted: September 23rd, 2016, 11:42 pm
by Prophet_of_Doom
Section9 wrote:
Prophet_of_Doom wrote:I wish they could do add-on sprues, but CB stated this is also not an option. I like to see on the model what it is. It is a bit annoying when people have to remember which of the 3 possible models in a link team is the paramedic.

Paint them with different hair colors, then write down "Pink hair is the medic, blue hair and green hair are FOs." Or whatever.

I do that with the hair with my alguaciles. My Tomcat doctor has a red cross painted on.

Re: Second Specialist Boxes

PostPosted: November 5th, 2016, 2:12 am
by chromedog
My "basic loadout" models have numbers on the back of their bases. This number is noted on the army list (so that I know "Fusilier (3)" is the paramedic, or hacker, or FO, or whatever).