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Least popular faction?
May 1st, 2014, 1:46 am
by PostHuman
This may have already been covered, but my search-fu isn't the greatest.
But any guesses what the least popular faction is?
I'm assuming Tohaa is fairly popular but just new, but if I had to guess, I would guess Combined Army.
Re: Least popular faction?
May 1st, 2014, 9:26 am
by samurai
My guess would be also CA, though I see lots of forumites getting crazy about monkeys, so it´s hard to say. Fun fact: whenever I show any female some Infinity factions, they point out that they like CA straight away, no exceptions. I wonder why is that.
Now on the second thought, I want to change my guess to Haqqislam, I see only few Haqq players these days. Bostria´s list of top selling minis supports this, though I am not sure if it´s a relevant clue.
Re: Least popular faction?
May 1st, 2014, 9:45 am
by Arachas
I always hear that tons of people play Ariadna, but in our group no one plays them.
Re: Least popular faction?
May 1st, 2014, 10:05 am
by sonicReducer
My meta has good representation of all the factions ... except PanO. Just none
Re: Least popular faction?
May 1st, 2014, 10:21 am
by IJW Wartrader
I'd guess vanilla Combined Army.
Re: Least popular faction?
May 1st, 2014, 11:34 am
by VisOne
Relevant only to Australia but my mate Micky is running an ongoing googledocs poll for Australia. ... esults.htmMercenaries is on the bottom surprise surprise followed by the Caledonians, Neo Terra and MRRF is next.
Re: Least popular faction?
May 1st, 2014, 7:21 pm
by Machinist
Insightful results.
Re: Least popular faction?
May 1st, 2014, 8:59 pm
by Section9
Not sure mercs is a useful entry in a "least popular FACTION" poll right now, as mercs can't be run as a faction.
Lowest-selling models overall has got to be the Exrah. Awesome concept, not so sure on the visuals. Even the various Exrah models don't really look like they belong in the same army.
Re: Least popular faction?
May 5th, 2014, 5:21 am
by Loki
samurai wrote:My guess would be also CA, though I see lots of forumites getting crazy about monkeys, so it´s hard to say. Fun fact: whenever I show any female some Infinity factions, they point out that they like CA straight away, no exceptions. I wonder why is that.
I've heard the same about 40k and Tyranids. Personally, when I got back into 40k years ago, I let my fiancee pick the faction. She picked Tyranids because they look pretty.
Re: Least popular faction?
May 6th, 2014, 5:41 pm
by Moleverine
In my group, it would seem that Ariadna is the least represented, though one of the players at a recent demo day we did started Cameronians and my buddy just started Vanilla Ariadna last weekend. I'm the only one playing ALEPH, though we have one active member who's more of an ex-ALEPH player who switched to CA.
Re: Least popular faction?
May 6th, 2014, 8:51 pm
by Scorch
Loki wrote:samurai wrote:My guess would be also CA, though I see lots of forumites getting crazy about monkeys, so it´s hard to say. Fun fact: whenever I show any female some Infinity factions, they point out that they like CA straight away, no exceptions. I wonder why is that.
I've heard the same about 40k and Tyranids. Personally, when I got back into 40k years ago, I let my fiancee pick the faction. She picked Tyranids because they look pretty.
Hm... sounds really similar to my GF, both the stories.. She went wild on the Tyranids.. but now she goes for the Tohaa and the Morats. I'd probably start a Shasvastii for the Dire Foes package (Tohaa vs CA) since I already play NCA, and they come with the Morats.. Could work out great!
Another convert, and I live with her!
Re: Least popular faction?
July 6th, 2014, 10:28 pm
by Pacific
Amongst the people I know, Haqqislam is probably most common. CA least (although I have just started a force with them!)
I wonder though if the new Morat starter box will go some way to increasing the frequency of CA forces you see...
Re: Least popular faction?
July 6th, 2014, 10:47 pm
by Scorch
samurai wrote:My guess would be also CA, though I see lots of forumites getting crazy about monkeys, so it´s hard to say. Fun fact: whenever I show any female some Infinity factions, they point out that they like CA straight away, no exceptions. I wonder why is that.
The use of light blues, greens and pinks, I'd guess. My gf is pretty excited about the monkeys (especially Zerats) and thinks the newer models look more boring because they keep true to a more 'realistic' paintjob. But that's just my personal experience living with a lady who starts to get interested in my hobby
Re: Least popular faction?
July 6th, 2014, 11:19 pm
by ElectricPaladin
Loki wrote:samurai wrote:My guess would be also CA, though I see lots of forumites getting crazy about monkeys, so it´s hard to say. Fun fact: whenever I show any female some Infinity factions, they point out that they like CA straight away, no exceptions. I wonder why is that.
I've heard the same about 40k and Tyranids. Personally, when I got back into 40k years ago, I let my fiancee pick the faction. She picked Tyranids because they look pretty.
I ran an informal poll over on BoLS once, and discovered that most lady gamers preferred Orks and 'Nids, which flies in the face of the common wisdom that ladies prefer Eldar and Sisters of Battle. I wasn't terribly surprised, but a lot of other folks were.
Personally, my meta is pretty varied, though I
think I'm the only Nomads player I know. That said, our Infinity community is stable, but not very huge, so there are a couple of factions only represented by one or two players.
No, wait, Tesco just started Nomads, so I know of two Nomads plays in my area.
Anyway, there doesn't seem to be a clear least popular in the Bay Area.
Re: Least popular faction?
July 15th, 2014, 3:07 am
by jake
I think we've seen evidence from distributor orders that (at one point at least) CA was the least popular faction, with the rest being about equal. this was pre-paradiso, so who knows now? I'd be willing to bet that before last December Morats were the least played Sectorial.
Anyway, since Paradiso and especially since teh beginning of this year CA has become a lot more appealing, and it wouldn't surprise me at all if they're no longer the least popular faction, or at least that the disparity in popularity between the 8 factions has grown much, much smaller.
Re: Least popular faction?
July 15th, 2014, 11:40 am
by Guarda de Assalto
Yu Jing and Combined Army are the two rarest factions in the tri-state area. I actually can't remember the last time someone brought YJ to a tourney... Maybe sometime in February?
Re: Least popular faction?
July 15th, 2014, 12:39 pm
by KeyOfTwilight
I've only been playing around here for a month or two, but i've seen very few tohaa outside of the warenal guys.
Re: Least popular faction?
July 15th, 2014, 1:51 pm
by Gwydion
In our area, it's pretty balanced with the exception of PanO being the most played faction.
Re: Least popular faction?
July 15th, 2014, 5:45 pm
by Claudius Sol
We have a lot of Yu Jing here. Fair representation of PanO, ALEPH, Tohaa, and used to have a Haqq player. CA is getting started here, but no Ariadna (vanilla or otherwise) in sight. Kinda interesting, really.
Re: Least popular faction?
July 15th, 2014, 6:06 pm
by Wispur
For our local group, I think it's definitely CA.
I'm currently collecting them (to build and play them this winter), but right now, nobody is actively playing CA here.
Every other faction has at least one representative, with Ariadna and Nomads being the most popular, followed by Aleph and Yu-Jing.
Re: Least popular faction?
July 16th, 2014, 3:49 am
by Guges
I was the top vanilla Yu Jing Player in ITS 2013. Given my amount of playing only came out to around one tournament a month and ITS 2013 was basically a measure of how much you played as opposed to your actual skill, it seems like they are not played that much at least in ITS.
I was also the only vanilla Yu Jing player at Gencon 2013 (there were a few JSA and at least one ISS), so that's what also leads me to believe this.
That being said, I have not done a detailed comparison of ITS standings and I think that will give meaningful and direct data that will at least show how represented different factions are in ITS.
Re: Least popular faction?
July 16th, 2014, 5:05 am
by Spambot
Orks Nids Combined Army Tohaa are girl armies
Dat feel when this describes your army choices exactly
At our FLGS my mate and I are the only Ariadna and Tohaa respectively, while the other factions are played by at least two people. YJ is also owned by a number of players but I can't say I've had more than 1-2 games against them.
So much PanO though, yeesh. I recruited four players all up and half of them are PanO, with another considering them as army #2.
Edit: Can someone interpret that 2014 survey for me? The first graph puts Tohaa as third most popular, but then they are last over Mercenaries (?)
Re: Least popular faction?
July 17th, 2014, 2:57 pm
by grampyseer
No aleph here.
Go figure...
Re: Least popular faction?
July 18th, 2014, 8:29 am
by Errhile
In my corner - no Ariadna. We have relatively few active players (so some armies became absent from local scene along with their respective players), and there was a wave of Nomad popularity once, nowadays it's predominately PanO, but never ever had Ariadna.
Re: Least popular faction?
July 20th, 2014, 8:53 am
by solkan
I remember something being mentioned that the Combined Army starter's relatively poorer sales was attributed in part to the eclectic paint scheme on the models. Something about it not "looking like an army".
All I know is that as I finally get my CA models painted, I'm going to be deliberately using four different paint schemes--one for the Morats, one for the Shaasvasti, one for the Exrah, and one for the El/Ur. Because the background certainly makes it sound like the El spends a lot of time herding cats getting the various coalition forces moving in the same direction.
Re: Least popular faction?
July 20th, 2014, 10:37 am
by McNamara
Spambot wrote:Edit: Can someone interpret that 2014 survey for me? The first graph puts Tohaa as third most popular, but then they are last over Mercenaries (?)
In the second graph the armies are grouped by nation, in the first the are separated in sectorials. Since Tohaa have no Sectorial, they count higher in the first but loose in the second, because its already there total, while Pan-O gets multiplied by 4 f.e.