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Canada + Infinity

PostPosted: December 10th, 2013, 9:51 am
by Steam-Age Dandy
Now here's two very different questions in one thread:

1. Is there any background about Canadian Infinity Troops? I'd love to see some one day. Painting maple leafs on minis would be fun. :D

2. Are there any players from the Vancouver, Canada Area on these boards? I'd like to get in touch with the gaming scene there. So if you are from that area or know people there, I would appreciate some help. :)

Re: Canada + Infinity

PostPosted: December 10th, 2013, 1:25 pm
by Arachas
Steam-Age Dandy wrote:Now here's two very different questions in one thread:

1. Is there any background about Canadian Infinity Troops? I'd love to see some one day. Painting maple leafs on minis would be fun. :D

Maybe in US Ariadna? :P

Re: Canada + Infinity

PostPosted: December 10th, 2013, 1:31 pm
by Steam-Age Dandy
I want a Mounty in power-armor! :D

Re: Canada + Infinity

PostPosted: December 10th, 2013, 8:22 pm
by Hero of Man
Arachas is probably right; Canada is just USA Junior, after all. :P

I kid, I kid. My wife is Canadian and will thwap me for that one.

Re: Canada + Infinity

PostPosted: December 11th, 2013, 9:35 am
by Steam-Age Dandy
If we're doing misplaced condescension: One colony or the other makes little difference to me, mate ;) (my girlfriend is also Canadian an will thwap me as well ;) )

Silly talk aside though, I believe they would have enough potential to feature some interesting troops. Especially for Svarlarheima ( Canadian Rangers a.k.a. "Arctic Rangers") :)
I do not know what happened to Canada in the Infinity Background though. May as well be that they joined up with Pan-O due to their stronger Europe-ties.

And just picture it...Mounties. in. power-armor.

Re: Canada + Infinity

PostPosted: December 11th, 2013, 12:37 pm
by sonicReducer
I'm picturing Master Chief in a Mounty hat

Re: Canada + Infinity

PostPosted: December 11th, 2013, 8:53 pm
by Hero of Man
Powered Armor Mounties on Quads with multi-terrain. Possibly MSV 1 to see through those blizzards?

Re: Canada + Infinity

PostPosted: February 7th, 2014, 4:14 am
by Noirfatale
Actually I would go with MSV 2 - blizzard are just as bad as smoke! On horse like a bike no less!

Re: Canada + Infinity

PostPosted: February 7th, 2014, 9:01 am
by Lampyridae
Age test, go!


Although I believe Tex had the MSVL2...

Re: Canada + Infinity

PostPosted: February 11th, 2014, 11:08 pm
by Twelvecarpileup
I'm in downtown Vancouver and play Infinity about once a week or so.

I've got 2 players that come over for drinks and miniature gaming once a week, mostly Infinity.

Re: Canada + Infinity

PostPosted: July 22nd, 2014, 9:50 am
by solkan
Wow. I don't know which is more amazing. That someone made the original show, or that it got cut up into that English version. :aaa:

Re: Canada + Infinity

PostPosted: July 22nd, 2014, 3:13 pm
by Penemue guys know that the Mountie uniform is a parade uniform, while RCMP officers mostly dress like this, right?


(Coincidentally, the RCMP has similar jurisdictions as the American FBI - it's an internal security and intelligence agency.)

Re: Canada + Infinity

PostPosted: July 22nd, 2014, 3:37 pm
by Guarda de Assalto
My thinking is that Canada was most likely absorbed into PanOceania.

Re: Canada + Infinity

PostPosted: July 22nd, 2014, 4:07 pm
by Willowran
A: Screw the Mounties, we need to represent Polar Bears and Moose in power armor.

B: I am Canadian. Downside is that i live in Ontario. Hey, if you ever feel like making a flight... :P

Re: Canada + Infinity

PostPosted: July 22nd, 2014, 4:16 pm
by Penemue
Whereabouts, Willowran? :)

Re: Canada + Infinity

PostPosted: July 22nd, 2014, 5:57 pm
by Willowran
Penemue wrote:Whereabouts, Willowran? :)

You're part of the Meeplemart communicty, ya? I be a Hamiltonian. I shot Meeplemart a request via facebook to alert me in advance of any tournies they hold, but they don't really do that. I really do hope to show up at some point tho. I just need to know when. :v:

Re: Canada + Infinity

PostPosted: July 27th, 2014, 11:57 pm
by Penemue
Willowran wrote:
Penemue wrote:Whereabouts, Willowran? :)

You're part of the Meeplemart communicty, ya? I be a Hamiltonian. I shot Meeplemart a request via facebook to alert me in advance of any tournies they hold, but they don't really do that. I really do hope to show up at some point tho. I just need to know when. :v:

I've played there once or twice, but my primary neighbourhood is Ottawa. I do visit TO every now and again, so I'd always be up for games. :) Just need to know ahead of time...

Re: Canada + Infinity

PostPosted: August 23rd, 2014, 7:08 am
by kristoph09tailz
Hail and well met from the sunny shores of Vancouver island. Victoria. The Hawaii of Canada.

But seriously I've just started the gaming group here locally and lots of keen and positive people.

Everything games has shed loads of table space and i ha e several armies that are being commission painted whilst i work on terrain and my various things. (Writing campaign narrative for one, making tables a second)

Come to the island mates, ill gladly play host- lets roll some d20s


Have you heard of gottacon? :)!!!

Re: Canada + Infinity

PostPosted: August 25th, 2014, 11:45 pm
by Hordshyrd

A: Canada, unfortunately, did not join with any of the major powers at the time of their forming, or there is nothing ever mentioned as such anyhow. As one of the unaffiliated nations of old earth we are "under the charge of Panoceania" although not really a member. So it's unlikely that we'll see any Canadian troops, if anything Merovingia may be the closest. Although I hold out hope for some Canadian based O12 units, if we ever see any O12 units at all.

B: I'm in Alberta myself, we have seen guys come up from BC for a tourney or two though so I'm sure they're out there somewhere.

Re: Canada + Infinity

PostPosted: August 26th, 2014, 8:46 am
by TanKoL
Yeah, you could always play MRRF with an accent and a blue/white color scheme :)

Re: Canada + Infinity

PostPosted: August 26th, 2014, 5:07 pm
by Arachas
Lampyridae wrote:Age test, go!


Although I believe Tex had the MSVL2...

Gah... I'm sure I've seen this. Name doesn't ring a bell though. :)

Re: Canada + Infinity

PostPosted: August 27th, 2014, 9:41 pm
by Henshini
Sabre Rider (and the Star Sheriffs)

Re: Canada + Infinity

PostPosted: August 31st, 2014, 5:58 am
by jaque_froid
as a vancouverite with some friends who play...

is there a place you all go? one of the local stores?

Re: Canada + Infinity

PostPosted: September 1st, 2014, 9:57 am
by smurfORnot
As I am going to Canada in 2 months, and I plan to stay there around 3 months, do people play in Toronto perhaps?

Re: Canada + Infinity

PostPosted: September 3rd, 2014, 3:09 am
by Section9
Steam-Age Dandy wrote:Silly talk aside though, I believe they would have enough potential to feature some interesting troops. Especially for Svarlarheima ( Canadian Rangers a.k.a. "Arctic Rangers") :)

I'd go for that! Or you could just paint a Maple Leaf onto your Nisse... :P

Oh, wait! Paint the Nisse in RCMP full dress under the coat with a white greatcoat over the top! Bonus points for sculpting a Campaign Cover (aka Smokey Bear hat).

Re: Canada + Infinity

PostPosted: September 4th, 2014, 12:45 pm
by Willowran
smurfORnot wrote:As I am going to Canada in 2 months, and I plan to stay there around 3 months, do people play in Toronto perhaps?

Yes they do. There is a "Meeplemart" community of players that get together from time to time. Unfortunately that is about all i know about them, as (also unfortunately) it can be difficult to get Meeplemart to reply to me (2 emails and 3 face book messages later, with only 0.5 replies).

Re: Canada + Infinity

PostPosted: September 5th, 2014, 6:04 pm
by SnakeEyes
We have a group in Burlington, ON that plays every Tuesday night at The Hobby Kingdom :)

Re: Canada + Infinity

PostPosted: September 15th, 2014, 10:16 am
by Alphast
Since Canada is an ESA member and cooperates with NASA on most space missions, it would make sense that Canadians were on board the mission to Dawn and are thus part of Ariadna forces. I guess the English speaking ones would go with Caledonians and USAriadna while the Quebec guys would go with the FRRM.

In any case, the Loup-Garou team looks very "Canadian" to me already. I see them as Mounties.

Re: Canada + Infinity

PostPosted: October 3rd, 2014, 4:39 pm
by Dozer
Canada sounds more like a Ariadna force to me. With strong ties with the UK and the USA, being part of what is called Five Eyes more so then with those that made up Pan-O. Due to proximity, shared history, and similar backgrounds - I'd say we go off to Dawn.

I would see Canadian's breaking off within Ariadna rather than form a individual social group. Those fracophones would end up with Metro, those with more English ties, would merg with the UK, and last but not least those Canadians with a closer bond with our Sourthern Neighbours would join up USAriadna. Heck out west - there is quite an eastern european connection and I could see some hook up and join the Kazaks.

Our military and police forces have strong ties and share quite a lot in training, information systems, and tradtions. We work together in quite a few of the publicly recognized Tier 1 and Tier 2 operations (the same level of engagement that Infinty plays at). I'd be happy with a Canadian mini or two that could be put in all three factions. Or if someone wanted to go all Red-White-Red, you could just re-name and paint up some of the minis. i.e. SAS = JTF2, Metros = RCMP, Dozer = Royal Candian Corps of Egineers (with tradional ranks like Sapper)... CSOR, RCR, JSR, PPCLI, SAR Techs with the CAF (Canadian Armed Forces), ERT/SERT with RCMP. There is plenty to draw from.

I'd really like to see someone's work if they did up a pure Canadian Force - or adjusted some of the current minis with different patches.

Re: Canada + Infinity

PostPosted: October 3rd, 2014, 4:59 pm
by Dozer
Edit to last post:

I forgot to mention the whole ABCA Armies deal that also supports a Ariadna Canada rather than a Pan-O Canada.